
I love fireworks personally, but yeah here in Portland, OR people are lighting them off for days before and after the 4th, sometimes at like 3am. The rocket type fireworks are illegal here outside of professional shows, but people buy them in Washington, and launch them all over the city anyway. At least the Portland

If minorities started buying guns in mass, white conservatives would likely change their minds about gun control. . . 

Supermarket sushi is pretty popular here in Oregon despite there being plenty of decent sushi joints. A co-worker I worked with years ago actually dumpster dived behind a local supermarket for sushi, and brought it to work for lunch sometimes. . . he was pretty weird though.

That’s honor among thieves for you, and people say chivalry is dead, but if a friend or date suddenly shoved me into a cop to escape, I’d probably ditch them too. . .

Even white people may have ended up dead, or at least severely beaten if they pulled that shit here in America. . . I had a cop pull a gun on me for a lot less than that when I was a teen.

Cops in Canada seem a lot more restrained than the ones here in the US, even white people probably would have been shot or severely beaten here after pulling all that shit. . .

(4) Or perhaps it’s the ghosts of the sweatshop workers that had to assemble them. . .

“By design, some PD’s have rules against hiring people who are too intelligent.”

Yikes had to google that, and in the late 90's a judge dismissed a discrimination lawsuit by a guy who applied to the New London Police Department. He was rejected for being too smart because he had an IQ of around 125 IQ according to

I worked at an unionized grocery store in AZ for 5 years. It was the “United Food and Commercial Workers” union. You don’t always need special skills to join a union. Burgerville, a NW fast food chain here in Portland OR just unionized this year, but the company was already more progressive than most fast food

Ah yeah you are around same age as me then, 39. I just tend to like slower paced games with some exceptions. Mostly play Civilization 4X sort of games, and some RTS games. Really enjoyed Starcraft 2 for a while, but the nasty, online players community did get old after a while.

Though I never completed a FF game past

Final Fantasy series lost me if they are all going to be all action RPG’s from now on. I liked their turn based combat, but not a big fan of action RPG’s with the exception of the Fallout New Vegas and 4, but I guess I’m old, lol.

“It’s a movie made for 14-17 yo boys, which is fine,”

“Don’t overthink it!” is a surefire indicator of suckitude.

“You should move.”

Yeah that’s what my girlfriend said, but she pays $1400/mo for a 800 square foot 2 -bedroom apartment, like many people I know here in and around Portland, OR, and I pay $1095 for a 2000 square foot 3-bed house with a large 1/5th acre, easily maintainable, fenced yard, and a laid back, easy to get

i’d lay money she’s publicly protested like this before.

I’ve seen a Marine stand up on a table and jerk off in a DD.

“It just takes work, sometimes a hell of a lot of work, but you can stop being fat.”

Still it takes a hell of a lot more work for some people than others due to differing metabolisms. Plus if you, for example, work 60 hours a week at an office job, and are a parent on top of that, it’s really hard to find time and

“What’s the motivation here? “
People just get bored and do really stupid shit sometimes, especially very young men.

White women are the biggest tattle-tales on the planet. They will report your ass to your boss, your teacher, the cops in a nano-second.

Probably by driving around in the very expensive car he bought her.