
Hey, don’t all hate on me now, I just wanna say that I can understand the feelings behind wishing pain and death on Trump. And I hate his politics and all he stands for too! But please remember that letting these kind of feelings get too much room in your life actually will hurt yourself in the end.

Believe me, I

My car has 52 HP, Aaron.

Oh man that Hyundai one made me so angry the first time I saw it.

I saw that Hyundai ad on Hulu and my first thought was, “why can’t they just pay attention to the road?”. I’d be laughing at it, if it wasn’t so sad.

Teachers are struggling dealing with the realities of teaching while there’s a worldwide pandemic.....

Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!

They know what they got (coronavirus)

THFT, with and umlaut somewhere, for extra disruption.

The intended system: Drivers turn on phone GPS, Amazon tells the nearest GPS signal a delivery is ready, driver accepts and gets paid for delivery.

God the fucking gig economy is trash. Late-stage capitalism leads to just some truly absurd shit. 

replying to the grey...

Unless you’ve surveyed every employee of the particular store at which you are shopping to confirm that they all “enjoy rallying up the carts” and believe it to be “easy, soothing work,” you are an asshole if you don’t put back your cart. I can’t even believe that you would try to both sides something as dumb and

Someone who has been detained for trying to smuggle Viagra into the country without a prescription should be more circumspect in attacking other people for their sexual histories. Limbaugh, like the rest of the GOP, is scared, and when he’s scared he goes to the same old racism and sexism that has always worked for

“American car journalist discomfited by sexual trace evidence disclosing strange erotic sessions with Chinese vehicle; color-discriminant restraining fabric strips were employed in unspecified manner

This! every single article!! The sheer concern for Torch by Booker is astounding!

Can’t wait to see how this translates in the Chinese press.

Greetings fellow pessimist. It is frustrating to watch my fellow countrymen’s continually-unfounded optimism regarding the coronavirus. As if it’s going to just go away, when we haven’t done even a fraction of the things necessary for that to happen. As if wishing made it so.