
You QAnon cultists should take credit for all your hard work. You knew how powerful Hillary could be if you did nothing to destroy her in the public eye. Swift boating Kerry or birtherism against Obama were impressive acts of character assassination, but all of that was nothing compared to what you deplorables did to

She assassinated her own character by her tireless public service? Or by not pretending to conform to your idea of how a woman should behave?

this is why Chuck and Nancy and Bernie and the Clintons et al. need to be retired; their 20th century diplomacy and idealism are just not suited for this point in the country’s history. The GOP has shown an absolute willingness to assert its power whenever possible, to obstruct any legislation unless they get their

New Zealand seems mostly nice. And they’d probably let him live in one of those leftover Hobbit holes.

it would break my heart if he did, because Colbert is one of my biggest man crushes in the world, but he is too kind and smart to be in this country. He should really relocate to a country (don’t ask me where) that has the same values. After 2016 I thought we needed more people like him to make the idiots who thought

Good to know! I’ll definitely keep an eye out next time I pass one.

You’re like the morons in my town that think people flipping them off for their little ego parades are just as bad as ISIS. 

People being hollered at is not the same as cars (i.e. deadly in the right circumstances) swerving around. Fuck off with your whataboutism.

Lol. That article/clip had basically zero evidence of any violent acts. Just some warranted yelling to remind these racists MAGA morons who they are supporting.  Try again.

Hey, don’t all hate on me now, I just wanna say that I can understand the feelings behind wishing pain and death on Trump. And I hate his politics and all he stands for too! But please remember that letting these kind of feelings get too much room in your life actually will hurt yourself in the end.

Believe me, I

My car has 52 HP, Aaron.

Oh man that Hyundai one made me so angry the first time I saw it.

I saw that Hyundai ad on Hulu and my first thought was, “why can’t they just pay attention to the road?”. I’d be laughing at it, if it wasn’t so sad.

Teachers are struggling dealing with the realities of teaching while there’s a worldwide pandemic.....

Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!

They know what they got (coronavirus)

THFT, with and umlaut somewhere, for extra disruption.

The intended system: Drivers turn on phone GPS, Amazon tells the nearest GPS signal a delivery is ready, driver accepts and gets paid for delivery.

God the fucking gig economy is trash. Late-stage capitalism leads to just some truly absurd shit.