
there should really be an honorable mention here for the facial expression I will never forget, that of Blanche Graham hissing his “outrage” that someone would dare to accuse this dope of sexual assault at a time when if one of the American political parties weren’t so hopelessly cult-addled, the politicians deciding

god I hate his fucking little tan teeth.

It is pointless to try to court Republican votes at this point anyway

Can we not and say we did (revisit)? Personally, I have a sharp reaction every time I see that sexual assaulters face contortions that lead my blood pressure to rise.  And, I’m getting old.  

He might not be technically wrong, but he’s also being simplistic as fuck and doing a little cherry picking here. We’ve been dealing with this for over tow years at this point. The situation has evolved and is complex. That little explainer of his barely scratches the surface.

I don’t think anybody ever claimed that getting vaccinated would mean you couldn’t catch or spread COVID, just that it reduced the likelihood dramatically, which is still true. I don’t think any experts have ever said straight up that cloth masks don’t work, just that they’re not as effective as N95's, which is still

Actually, I don’t think there is anything sweet about Kanye’s public pleas for Kim to do as he wants. The man has been told no. He’s using the public forum (which I suspect puts a lot of pressure on Kim because she appears so image conscious) like a weapon. He can suck it. He was a crummy husband. He needs to move on

show me a white person convicted of anything similar, especially a clearly mentally ill first time offender.  this is racists getting revenge for being called racists..

Arbery’s father, Marcus Arbery Sr., was asked to leave the courtroom after the first verdict was read. He shouted “Woohoo!” after hearing the first guilty count of the man who shot his son

No, it doesn’t feel like justice, but it still feels far better than the Rittenhouse verdict. That’s all I got for now.

Running around putting out fires/offering to help medically isn’t parading around with it.

yeah he is getting off - and I hope they burn down the whole state

I can vouch for myself that no its not fun seeing successful entertainers punch down on people like me for no reason.  But hey at least these people give away how awful they are without much effort. 

And thirdly, you must admit that Hannah Gadsby is not funny.

Yeah, he can go fuck himself some more

I don’t know what it is, I’m really not someone who’s passionate about social issues, but reading what people like Rowling and Chappelle say about Trans people makes me sick to my stomach.

“I want everyone in this audience to know that even though the media frames it that it’s me versus that community, that’s not what it is. Do not blame the LGBTQ community for any of this. It’s about corporate interests, and what I can say, and what I cannot say.”

It’s about corporate interests, and what I can say, and what I cannot say.

He also claims that some of his own trans friends had no problem with his comments, saying, “For the record, and I need you to know this, everyone I know from that community has been loving and supportive, so I don’t know what this nonsense is about.”

I hope he dies soon