
I’m admittedly bummed by this. The show grew on me very much as the season continued, and I appreciated it wasn’t as deep, dark, and serious as some of the other fantasy content.

My wife will be more upset than me, since she is a bigger Willow fan than I ever was.

I don’t understand how he got past everything because it was so prominent to me that he had so many issues just from talking to him in that time period.

just ignore it and it’ll pass over time”

It’s not really “looking for reasons” when Rowling has very publicly made those statements…but this is all spoken like someone who probably has never had to deal with comments like these directed and them. Must be nice. 

People aren’t “looking for reasons” to be angry. People are rightfully angry over transphobia, and this game is based on the franchise created by one of the world’s most visible transphobes. And fuuuuuuuuuck you and your stance of “ignore it and it’ll go away”. That’s not how social change works. The trans community

The barn reveal was enough for me, anyone and everyone knew that kid was in the goddam barn from the moment they got there and then they decided to drag it out instead of making it a good 2 parter because they fucked the budget and drove off Darabont...the mid season break was ample enough reason to abandon it and

I stopped watching after a season and a half, but I read your recaps anyway to see what I was missing. The answer to that is “not much.” AMC got every last drop of blood that they could out of this franchise with 177 episodes of the main show plus several spin-offs. With Better Call Saul ended, this really is 90% of

On Tuesday, while addressing the Heritage Foundation, a far-right think tank, Alito claimed that when the opinion draft leaked in May, it made the justices “targets of assassination.” The leak, he said, amounted to a “grave betrayal of trust” and “gave people a rational reason to think they could prevent that from

Exactly, they clearly leaked their own bullshit so it wouldn’t be so close to the mid-terms.  The sad thing is that it more or less is working out for me, but I guess we’ll see next month.

Hmm, I wonder how the investigation into who leaked the draft is going?

Boy, if only he could just quit his job and then he wouldn’t have to worry about putting himself at risk anymore.

Maybe show some actual evidence that your lives were ever in danger, because there are plenty on real Americans whose lives are truly in danger because of you.

to be fair Eve didn’t create Riri or come up with her backstory (that was Brian Michael Bendis) and her hiring was due in part to that controversy in first place

he wanted to scare them too. He wanted that powr over their lives

You can either heal from trauma or constantly try to win the trauma Olympics where no one else’s experiences matter because yours were worse. He never once compared wearing a dress to violent murder.

Yeah but there’s a difference between a comic who isn’t to your taste and a straight up, well documented bigot. 


You tedious little shit.

Oh fuck right off.