
I dunno man, Jack issues before the Overlook include a lot of violence and anger directed at very weak people, a tendency to excuse his violence and drinking by trying to make them into art, a general inability to take responsibility for his own actions, and a reverence for a father who was a violent drunk. This

The weird thing is King is wrong, or in denial about the Shining. Before he even get to the Overlook Jack has beat up a student at the school he works at after torturing the boy, he’s broken his son’s arm and he’s possibly murdered a kid on a bike.

Oh god, no one said I hadn’t been paying attention you’re just trying to add in insult. I’m criticizing a tv show you poor self esteem dweeb, not you. try to take it less personally because your approach here is a personality defect that just makes me think you’re an idiot becasue you’re acting like an idiot.  

They’re still sky divers in 2015 point break and there’s a large set action sequence involving those wing suits and it was created by the same stunt team in they used for Falcon and the Winter soldier. The helicopter scene was a hacky rip off.

Yeah a cool super spy story doesn’t mean a dumb action sequence with the wing suits from 1999. That was pathetic, like putting a roller blade sequence in your movie. We’re supposed to be in a world of super powers and jet packs and the best they could do was a ripping off Point Break?

yeah, you’re right the Winter Soldier was an awful movie and I should expect something based on it to be better just becasue they had a lot of time to work on it. It’s cool that they made something much worse and way more derivative with a much lower budget. Also Wandavison’s end sucked, there was no actual resolution

This show feels like episodes of the first season of Agents of Shield. Pretty disappointed they’re keeping everything so grounded and cheap looking instead of just jumping into a cool super spy story. I have no clue why they thought good topics for a kids show would be grief over stuff you did while under mind

Wow, you’re just going to completely synthesize Jamie Loftus Lolita podcast and not mention her once? What a fucking Hack

He’s humiliating her for driving drunk in 500,000 dollar car and then trying to use her celebrity and money to get out of the consequences for that. Drunk drivers are scumbags that murder people, she deserved to be dragged.

I think the bum fights thing was an episode of Veronica Mars 

She got a DUI in a car that cost half a million dollars and tried to buy her way out it. that’s the sort of celebrity scumbag behavior that deserves public humiliation.

Twee and tween are two pretty different things.

Yeah I always figured he sat down to write 3 movies about a kid who grows up to be robot space Hitler and then realized it’d be an incredibly depressing series of movies to tackle head on.  

Found out Lee Pace auditioned for star lord and that would have been such a better movie. 

Honestly I think Pratt is being written off more for making crappy movies than anything else, his Jurassic park movies suck, second lego movie was a snooze and he sucked hard in the avengers movies. 

Open flames and naked people might not mix so well 

Every episode of Portlandia is going to age like that Man bear pig episode of south park. That whole endeavor was just two jaded rich assholes making fun of poor people who care about the world.

Seriously? Everyone I know who buys their stuff is either a teenager (the pink line) or someone who started buying there as a teenager and never stopped. If you’re looking for everyday underwear options there’s better built stuff out there and if you’re looking for sexy there’s way better stuff out there. Higher

Yeah, I dunno if you ever heard Che give an interview, but he’s MC Hammering away most of money he makes these days. He’s not going to be one of those guys with longevity.

BLM isn’t saying that criminals aren’t bad, they’re saying criminals aren’t so bad they should be beaten up or shot for no reason based based on their skin color