
Arrests are a matter of public record. Make all the fuss you want, it’s a public issue. 

Lots, it’s an extra-legal investigation. She would have no rights in something like that. Like say your ex comes to you and says, my bosses would like to investigate our relationship. If they can find something that makes you look bad they aren’t going to shut up about it, but they have a vested business interest in

They’re Darmok and Jalad

Her efforts to what? All she wants it greater acceptance for herself. She not going to bat for expanded healthcare or an economy that works for anyone. People need to stop giving Caitlyn any positive press, she’s a shitty Republican racist fascists assbag like the rest of them.

America needs to never stop investigating Paul Ryan. Make him come talk to congress until he’s broke and then throw him in jail. 

The Republican party is acting in a way that’s both clearly fascist and racist, Nazism is the closest comparison.

She should really die mad about it. 

He looks like a freshly washed clown

I really doubt all this is just the relationship stuff. Chris has been ruining his career for years. @midnight was cancelled. The walking dead get worse ratings all the time, and he was gone from the nerdist, plus the nerdmelt is closing and it sounds like he burned a lot of bridges as a full time suck up. The guy is

If Mira was 16, Whedon would have been 20. I don’t think the timeline works out.

The law was probably written by someone who had recently seen the movie Strip Tease and though dancers bring their kids to work. 

They’re separating people who arrived at official ports of entry as well. And your lobby analogy doesn’t make sense. They’re still requesting asylum from the federal government, which has offices outside of the official ports of entry.

It’s all pretty bad, from the political reporting to the style section the new york times is rapidly spinning in circles toward a pit of open sewage at the moment. 

It’s one person’s opinion boosted with the power of the Newspaper’s platform. They have an obligation to make sure they aren’t giving a platform to fascist propaganda like this, or they’re part of the problem.

Snake, Joey, Wheels, Spike and Stephanie have all been together on the Next Generation already.

She was on like 52 episodes and the Hollywood movie.

He’s the world’s most popular gay magician. He can sing, he dances and he can act both for the stage and screen. He might not be the best at any of this stuff, but he can do all of it pretty well.

Like no one could be as annoyingly stupid as you are in your posting on accident. You’re a fucking troll

Not stalking, just figuring out you’re a troll. Following you around reporting yout.