
There’s tons of over 20 dollar camp sites in califorinia you stupid lying asshole

It’s not an evidence based issue you dumb dead dog fucker , your statement was incorrect from the get go becasue you don’t know what the word political means. I said that from the start and you wouldn’t stop saying bitching that you need proof. I gave it to you and you like the cum eating dog fucker you are you

What a dumb fuck, I out you as an idiot and you try to change the goal posts. Oh now you were only saying I left out the poof you demanded when I corrected your stupid comment. Go eat poison you self deceptive right wing STUPID STUPID STUPID FUCK! YOU KNOW nothing about politics or culture you cum eating dog bitch

He didn’t just use the name, he made up a person. He then hired an Asian man and let people think the hired man was the author. He then gave his pen name lots of comics to write set in Japan while talking about how Marvel was cued into the the whole Manga thing because they had a Japanese writer, not just an

Her father is killing people, ripping families apart and sowing the seeds of pointless war, fuck being polite at this point it only helps your enemies. Be rude, be loud and if people say it’s not right tell them to fix their fucking hearts or DIE!

That’s a weird way for you to admit I proved you to be both wrong and an idiot. Here’s the point a second time, Politics refers to the the debate around making government policy. If there’s no proposed policy around an issue it isn’t political. Since there’s no proposed policy and people of many political groups use

Go it, you don’t understand what anecdotal means, you don’t really understand what political means and you’re an info wars moron. I’m done, you’re too stupid to learn anything. Also here’s the daily caller using the word non-ironically, go kill yourself for being too lazy and stupid to google one fucking thing you

I too wish you were born on a different planet, one without oxygen

Is the problem that you don’t know what the word anecdotal means? Because all of the proof you’re asking for is anecdotal. Also why are you throwing in this non-ironic aspect at this point? I think it’s becasue when you looked you found the word being used quite a lot among the right wing political pundits you like,

There was no rationality in your response that a word describing annoying behavior is “pretty exclusively used by the left” That statement was entirely anecdotal; hence, you’re politically and idiot and don’t even know what rational means. You’re worthless at thinking so I hope you’re good at working.

You’re free to use words however you want. Your brain also seems to be broken. Go outside read a book, you’re too online. Your politics make no sense and your actually annoying as a person.

Mansplaining isn’t really political, anymore than the term bitching is.

Have you thought that maybe the lady shitting on the floor isn’t reasonable?  

Nobody wants an eternals move, nobody wanted an Inhumans movie, jeez this is all going to go bad.

The records belong to the Doctor. He’s the author and the custodian. Its a rather large crime to steal the records and not leave the doc a copy.

I think you’re writing off my opinion too quickly. Technological advancements have made music production pretty much a worksheet. it’s become less of an art especially with people like Kanye. He knows he’s going put a 30 second intro and outro on the song so it cues easy, he knows beforehand it’s going to be in the 60

What? no, no way. Trump didn’t raise any of his kids, why would he want that?

Technology has made production less of an art. When you can digitally and easily adjust everything it’s more a matter of being a focus group instead of an artist. As far as Jay-z’s praise I’m sure he was just happy a producer was coming to him with beats that weren’t just stolen 80s hit songs. You can’t say what Kanye

How do you go from caring about the state of the world to marrying a reality star who’s the product of her producer mother? I think you go there because you’re a dumb sell out

He doesn’t write his lyrics. He used to make good beats, but his last two albums have been basically crap backing tracks for DJs and not full songs. I don’t even think you’re getting your point here, the man is a producer not an artist and not highly creative so much as just good at putting a few elements of a song