
It’s pretty much an open secret that Kanye doesn’t write his raps, I think Pharoahe Monch does.

They’re aware of it, they generally just decide that plan parenthood is lying somehow. Pro life is not a movement based on strong reasoning skills or honesty.

Tom Arnold made that point too, he thought the racist things would make Trump more popular.

It’s also a bad action movie. All of the action scenes have accompanying scene where deFoe has to walk you through the entirety of the action because it’s shot in a way that doesn’t track well visually.

Best joke in all of starwars is Smoke, with obvious visible horrific facial scars, telling Kylo Ren that helmets are stupid.

I technically Pennywise is female.

Weird how this show for kids is against playing with knives huh

The stories are all based on other stuff. Like the Magicians apprentice is based on a poem by Goethe  

Because star wars showed bombers already. The Y-wings are bombers.

One thing I’m not seeing is addressing that he inverted how tracking works in Star Wars. In a new hope they show they can track life forms on escape pods easily but not ships in hyperspace and they just switched that for the story. Also Hodo sacrificing herself or any of the captains going down with the ship was

One problem I had with it was that most of the droids are there to pilot the ships, why commit suicide instead of just telling R2 to to it?

Michael Che is a really good comedian, but not a smart dude. Listen to him talk about his personal life sometime, he’s making a lot of dumb choices.

Really hope they investigate Tillerson for years, just fucking ruin his retirement with endless court dates until he’s dead after these clowns are out of office.

I dunno you aren’t using em dashes or “an” correctly, so I’m just assuming you’re an idiot.

I’m not a lawyer but I think defamation is a civil lawsuit so you can’t plead the fifth.

Really doubt a lifelong gold digger is going to divorce her 71 year old fast food eating husband before he drops dead. It’s not like she has any life skills beyond being a rich asshole’s whore.

not racist. It anything the Republicans put him in that position to play the race card of evil Indian IT guy. Given that his big pal at the FCC is Matt “I’m a gay republican” Berry I think they both got to this position so the Right could ditch them easier after this blows up.