
That’s a lie, she didn’t benefit from the native american thing. You know you’re lying about it so you must be a stupid fucking republican who should go die painfully. Reported and go fuck yourself

I disagree with you and like the tone of the article. I think what he did was so wrong he should never work in comics again. There’s enough talent out there that awful people who make terrible managerial decisions aren’t needed. He can go be a dog walker or something, but he should never have power over other people

Elizabeth Warren got no benefit from claiming to be native American. Cebulsky specifically did this to get around a policy that editors weren’t supposed to be writers at Marvel becasue part of their job was to hire and work with writers. So the difference is quo bono.

He didn’t do this to get a foothold. He had a foothold he was a published writer and an editor at Marvel. He did this to get around their policy that editors couldn’t submit scripts becasue they were supposed to be finding writers and working with them and not stealing their ideas. So, he’s pretending to be Asian to

Southpark isn’t funny, it’s just insanely topical.

What are you throwing in his face? It is sort of dumb that Al Franken resigned without an investigation based on reports from Sean Hannity’s friend while Ferenthold and Trump keep bopping along. Greg Gianforte assaulted someone and lied to the police about it and no one seems to be calling for him to vacate. While I’m

Maybe we should take what she said and make it true. I’m willing to rip Woody Allen’s dick and balls off with some pliers and we can go from there.

Even at his heaviest Taft would ride horses. Can you imagine Trump on a horse?

Hi, 5 of his accusers are still anonymous and there’s been no investigation. There’s a really great chance some or all of these allegations are fake. Mean while the Republicans don’t even care that Greg Gianforte was convicted of assaulting a reporter.

Oh come on. Her staying anonymous is just hiding the fact that she’s another one of Sean Hannity’s friends. This is all so cooked up and politically motivated its’ disgusting that people are falling for it.  

How do these accusations make much sense. They’re all either anonymous or people who are friends with Sean Hannity. And by the accounts the groping never involved squeezing, just awkward hand placement. I get that for women on the left there’s consequences for this stuff, but women on the right tend to get political

You shouldn’t take advice from actual monsters.

You ever tried to hire someone to commit fraud? You don’t get the best people for a job like that.

So, was this your way of proving you have brain damage? Cause I saw all the proof I needed in your first post that you don’t think well. Why would someone having consensual sex continuously take off their pants and put them back on? Also you read all that and didn’t figure out he also gave an underage girl alcohol?

So mostly the writing and the plot and you just don’t know how to use the world regardless correctly, gotcha

Sorry, are you disregarding the writers and plot of the movie in your assessment of the movie? those seem like important things. Outside of that what are you judging it on?

Can’t help but wonder if you have brain damage.

Fight in Boyle heights, better watch out

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