
No one has accused Al Franken of rape. You’re obviously a Republican here to start crap.

Yeah, no. You people really don’t get that the younger people today are so sick of you being evil that’s it’s not going to be civil anymore. Trumps a bridge was a bridge too far.

She’s doing this for political motivation. It’s why she “accepted” his apology the second she realized he was calling for an official investigation which will prove she’s a politically motivated Republican shill and liar.

I watched Sean Hannity lie about Seth Rich’s murder for months for political gain. Why do you think he’d hold lying about sexual harassment sacred when he works at Fox news? This whole this is going to set woman back 10 years in the work force, just like the Republican party wants.  

Sean Hannity has been pushed Pizzagate and Seth Rich this year. I 100% believe he would fake this and think that woman is both lying and hurting all credible reports of sexual harassment. You’re watching the death of something that really could have help society by believing right wing nazi liars.

She’s friends with Sean Hanity. The hooters thing is nothing compared to actively working with someone who stoked pizzagate, promoted Roy More and told Seth Rich lies till he almost got fired from a network with no firing standards. He’ll do anything, she’s part of it.

Also he’s Jigsaw

Normally I’d say sure, but anyone associated with Sean Hannity has lost all credibility for accusing anyone in the democratic party. In a year with lies as big as Pizzagate and Seth Rich’s murder I don’t doubt for a second this woman is lying and this is politically motivated. Getting behind this accusation is going

After their support of Donald Trump I’m never buying another New Balance product ever again. Cascade makes way better shoes.

After their support of Donald Trump I’m never buying another New Balance product ever again. Cascade makes way

That’s not a point, it’s an opinion.

Yes, she was. It’s mentioned that’s she’s actually more concerned that he seems to be looking at porn of young, and fetishied young looking women, when they have young kids in the house.

Because the all have so far? No one in the Trump family is not a piece of trash in someway.

Can you even mow that early? Seems like the grass would still be all dewy and clog the blades.

The third party candidates were some of the worst I can remember ever running. If you voted 3rd in the last election you’re probably dumber than the average Tump voter, which is hard to do. So congrats.

That’s the problem. They all think they’ll pivot to Gary Johnson and the conversation will just go back to left vs right or something when Libertarians are pretty much the same garbage humans as Trump supporters or general republicans.

Because Stone and Parker are right leaning libertarians.  

Same thing happened with Hustle and Flow. It was just on TV for like 7 years solid.

She grew up in the Arkansas state Governor’s mansion, which uses prison slave labor. She’s personally benefited from slave labor in her lifetime, like as a girl slaves did her chores.

God that picture looks like someone played a trick on a homeless lady.

Now playing

Magneto has a car, or a broken helicopter he uses as one maybe?