
Julius Fucik - Entrance of the Gladiators.
Regardless of the sport.

Weird thing is, choosing to do an adaption of Rant is like planning on covering a whole Metallica album and deciding to do Load.
Likeā€¦ really? That's the one you decide to go with?

I feel like Gattis missed a golden opportunity to make a Voight-Kampf Test joke somewhere along the script, all the same.

Pfft. That's far too sensible an explanation. Moffat and I won't have it.


Short but sweet. Shame it isn't a little longer.

My dear old mum still insists that Pokemon!: The Movie was the worst film she has ever had to sit through. Having to take three hyper-active nine year old kids with her probably didn't help, either.

Still waiting for Disney corp to start taking actual mice to court over unauthorised mouse-shaped head.

Hope this album is Epic and not a product of a Mid-life Crisis From Out Of Nowhere hurrhurrhurr.

Budget =/= Quality. The older Doctor Who episodes demonstrate this quite clearly, imo.

A-ha, hence his casting in this episode then.

Spent ages trying to place the Colonel in this episode.
Just IMDB'd it - he's Tyres from Spaced!

Just give me more Kate Beckinsale in a cat-suit. Otherwise, jog-on.

Just remember that just because you think you're a doctor doesn't make you a doctor, it's your fancy clothes that do.

There can only be one rightful king, and that king is Ser Not-appearing-in-this-book.

Or affecting a poor Transylvanian accent?

I clicked on in this in work because I thought "Object Transference" may have been a review about a cheap science-fiction B-movie.

"Say auf wiedersehen to your Nazi balls!"

I also back the Basterds. But I have a personal attatchment to it as it also served as the backbone for one hilariously awful date I went on. Also, Hugo Stiglitz is easily the coolest Tarantino character since The Wolf.

I'm confused, which is the one with Christopher Walken as King Louie? In my eyes, that's already the definitive version right there.