
To be fair, they strongly implied they’re going to fix it.

I so want to like this series, but it keeps fucking itself over.

Agreed. I refuse to watch Season 2 until I know that’s been undone.

That’s great and all, but they better bring back, um...what was lost.

Same feelings here. I can see potential and hope it gets there.

Counterpoint: the last three space operas on SyFy were pretty great (The Expanse, Dark Matter, and Killjoys).

I just wacthed in on Scy Fy last night and I kinda liked it!

I was underwhelmed. I’ll give it a couple more episodes, because I really want to like it, and it can sometimes take a bit for a show to find its footing, but it needs to get better in a hurry.

Well, at least they didn’t expel the black student (I hope).

Jacob moved Cartwright’s body. Finally someone thinks ahead.

I thought it was a bit cold hearted for Kate to trick her sister like that. Doesn’t seem like the best way to try and bring her back to the light, and will only exacerbate the PTSD Alice has over being held captive her whole life.

I agree that Alice should have been locked up. However, it would have been wiser to put her in a place that isn’t infamous both for its lack of security and poor track record of rehabilitating it’s inmates.

Whenever the Hero and the Villain team up, the CW has conditioned me to expect the villain to always get away. Moreso with Batwoman because of her personal connection with Alice. I did not see Kate locking Alice in with Mouse, not at all and I’m not someone that surprises easily.

This show is growing more and more hardcore. This episode was strong enough that it could have been a season-ender. Certainly Alice’s story has landed on a beat that sets her aside for a few episodes. I’ve bitched before about how much time the show has spent on Alice, but the last run of episodes has been good

So glad to see Julia again, I feared that we wouldn’t. So just in this episode she saved Sophie, got shot, was reintroduced to Mary, checked on Luke, and hooked up with Kate. She might have had a flight too. That is a very full day. 

I really liked that after Mary showed up unannounced to support Luke at the hearing, Luke showed up unannounced at Mary’s clinic to talk to her after witnessing his father’s supposed killer’s assassination. I love their thing even if it is a bit one-sided at the moment, but I’m sure that Luke is going to support Mary

The show’s done the Kate lets Alice go for reasons thing just often enough that I was legitimately surprised when Kate locked Alice in the cell. Kind of shaky reasoning on Kate’s part for doing it, but it is where Alice belongs, and also where I’ve been hoping they’d put here for a while now to let the show focus on

[IMDb cast list spoilers]

This week in Mary Is The Best: she shows up for the hearing to support Luke without him even needing to ask.

“Flying rodent” doesn’t have the same ring as Batwoman but… it is funnier.