
I hope so. Was surprised (not surprised) that the poster wasn’t well ...posters...a trip·tych of sorts featuring each “Marvel” prominently. Yeah Brie Larson is Brie Larson, but the others hit other niche markets, and Marvel is quite the marketing machine - never know which “B” characters will break out. #hoping

Re: Illuminaunties. Right?! I fell off the couch. I literally think every culture/family has Illuminaunties. Damn. This might end up being Tyler Perry next flick.

Kamala’s brother’s fiance seems to be African Muslim, which I was neat in a “here she is, no big deal” kinda way.

I would love this. (Also Bruno seems to adapt and respect other cultures Be nice to see him in Wakanda.)

Damn. That’s some Pete Ross stuff right there!

Maybe the amulet can double up again?

John Henry jumping into his suit? Natalie willing to upgrade the suit because John can’t help himself? #sold

Loving the fact their another set of parents in the fold. Also Beth is the legacy Dr. Mid-nite costume + brains + nanotech will hopefully make her more effective in the field. Omg I hope Cindy trains her. LOL

Was I the only one that caught the lead’s fight scene wearing black shorts then back to pants?

...but I did love the Wallis Day casting as Kate. It did give more of a twin vibe in this episode...

Omg...I didn’t know I needed this until I saw it. Damn.

This...with Clark X-ray her to confirm her indentity.

The only thing that really bothered/surprised me in this flashback episode was that I was waiting for Supeman to fix the broken window he threw that Atom man through. (But yo?! Supes where are you going?) 

Joe West’s mental health speech in regards to the black community? #bravo. Curious if some the ask had a convo with the writers room.

So the Morgan Edge in SG was pre-Earth-Prime. Okay. Zeta-Rho didn’t kill that Morgan Edge in that universe. Don’t know how the humans bodies covert to Krypton ones (powers) and back again, but residual powers saved their death drop. Okay. SG is either off Earth or in the future. I guess there was no Superboy in

Still never understood why Cisco gave up his powers but then became Mecha-Vibe.

Tonight was the first night I really thought Kara, Crisis, or any other recent superhero event should’ve gotten even a broad mention. If the characters live in the Arrowverse there is plenty of justification for Sam Lane to have kryptonite weapons around, controversial as they may be.

Love Allegra. Still waiting for a fight scene where she’s goes all out.

Speaking of speed, is Les-lay a meta? She got around fast!

Awesome way to being the Midvale cast back!