
That...or someone else’s theory that she’s double (triple?) agent).

I think Ben Lockwood was well on his way and Lex just super-sizes it. I chalking this up as Otis’ one good suggestion. (now I wonder how Lex factor’s into Manchester’s storyline?)

EPs tend to provide a critical key element that prevents the whole thing from falling apart. (Yeah sometimes it may even be just the illusion of being involved.)

just realized - they’re both CBS shows.

omg my gawd #mindblown. A stealth spin-off?

LOL they is got it right in Skyscraper. 

Yup. Just waiting for the deluge of pics of Harry partying up with the brothas and sistahs... could just be as simple at you hanging with co-worker johnsons for one night and getting a WTF moment at the door...

DC’s version of She-Hulk? Don’t get Reign/Sam mad?

Speaking of Ruby. Why haven’t Alex or Lena tested her yet?

ahem...Lead vs the Daxamites....

LOL - but if there was no Blight they wouldn’t have left the those LSHers in the pod should still have the Blight...

...and we got the wrong ‘Imra’.

Yup. You don’t see J’onn going on like this about fire - the one thing that can hurt him.

omg this!

Wasn’t “her” lab. (...Shuri wasn’t gonna show the awesomeness and glory of her lab and inventions to the colonizers and have them do what they do best...)

best. post. ever.