Re: the was a viral clip a while back where a white dude got a haircut at the black barbershop and it CHANGED HIS LIFE! Lol. I’m okay with that. The brothers could use the business.
Re: the was a viral clip a while back where a white dude got a haircut at the black barbershop and it CHANGED HIS LIFE! Lol. I’m okay with that. The brothers could use the business.
What’s really sad is “white mom” will probably be the most effective in getting something done. :(
Wow. Thank you. I need to make this a hand out.
Hey Carolyn - it’s quite possible that Ross is an ally playing dumb with Klaw. You should read up on the comic version of the character who’s best iteration was by black author Christopher Priest.
...or if Guardian dealt with National City’s version of Suicide Slum - areas that SG nor the DEO ever get to...
This. I want.
omg thank you. I posted this on ODeck : I know Winn’s besties with Kara and knows she’s not like that (and Jimmy’s their boo.) but without Kara explaining her dream, but re: the Woldskillers - I was hoping for a “are your profiling?” comment from Winn. (added bonus: Mon-El asking what profiling is since you know…
Is Clarke Kent publically know to be adopted?
exactly. she could have been in the DEO’s version of medical officer training program.
my question is: where were this kid/model’s parents when this shoot was happening?
Damn Clarkisha Kent I’m fully schooled. Until I read your points I was all about to say Arrow would have been the prefect place to address #BLM - in theory. In the comics, Green Arrow was supposed to be *that* guy, and on TV the set up could have been the right hands. Diggle and Curtis’s (with two…
Random Wests raising Barry thoughts:
Quick question folks: is this like the first Octavia Butler work translated to film/tv? Been waiting forever for someone to adapt her works. YES!
I loved the first half of that quote : “This is such an eye opener for me as to what the people who protect us have to go through on a daily basis,” she wrote. “Please pray.......” LMFAO! my first post to Root (bit nervous as y’all are woke AF like insomniacs and I could be a bit narcoleptic) but here goes: Since McGregor comments, people who aren’t even interested in boxing/fighting are suddenly investing this match. I’m actually convinced the PR spin doctors knew exactly what reaction this…
oh wow...just wow...yes...constellations and more...
not a movie, but Supernatural’s - Carry On Wayward Son - Musical [200th Episode “Fan Fiction”. #fulltears
In the comics it’s phermones no? And when in doubt? #doombot
Was just about to post it for Evan. Priest really breakdown what Marvel needs to consider: