
If the prequels taught us anything, it’s that Padme is a terrible judge of character.

This is Greens we’re talking about, same party that killed Nuclear power in Germany and then forced it to be killed even faster, thus making second highest energy prices in the world for their population.

I just recently got on facebook to check out the groups since it seems like that’s were the traffic has gone. That was an extremely short lived experiment. The facebook group format is basically unusable. With out tons of scrolling you can’t see all the posts. It’s hard to narrow in specific topics since it’s a


Deep cut

Sure, as soon as Ford renames it to the Probe.

People are using forums and instead of Facebook groups.

It probably throws an error if you hoon it and don’t run over bystanders. 

Maybe it’s COVID but I’m really losing track of these shows.

Was it perfect? God, no. Did I like it and want to see more of it? Yes. This is a bummer, man. 

So, I liked the movie — but is no one else noticing that this shared much, much too much DNA with Max Landis’ treatment for a Ghostbusters 3?

And at least they paid off Muncher's ability in the third act. 

Egon actually had a full story arc in the movie and honestly the ghost Egon who you couldn’t see, but was in the entire movie pushing the plot forward was nice. I didn’t mind him appearing in the Climax and it wasn’t horrible CGI. I mean really the other characters in the story were basically following Egon’s plan for

I really think they should have kept Ramis’ face out of frame until the scene where he’s face-to-face with his daughter. It would have made it more impactful and given the audience less time to notice the uncanny valley on the CGI. That said, I love how Egon was used for the movie and helped drive the story forward.


They didn’t even, like, come up with a new crazy final form for Gozer. Just in general it’s kind of insane that the movie had exactly one all-new ghost design (Muncher).

CGI Tarkin seemed to be received relatively well in Rogue One. Lucasfilm had obtained permission from Peter Cushing’s estate before using his likeness.

It’s like one scene they’ve found them, the next scene they’re shooting ghosts and operating equipment like they’ve been doing it for years.

I dug it. It’s Ghostbusters by way of Force Awakens. It’s a greatest hits 1 & 2 as a template to establish The New Class. Like TFA, it’s best when it’s spending time with new characters and dynamics and at its worst when it’s a plot driven by a scheme we’ve seen before in the exact same way (my eyes were glazing over

The beginning feels like something kind of new, the end feels like Ghostbusters. I thought they did a really good job of making the FX look like it did in the first Ghostbusters and yet, it looks modern and updated. To me, that’s what connected it the most and makes it look like a Ghostbusters movie.

Stuff I really liked: