
Yeah, but he’s sitting on a MOUNTAIN of back pay.

But at least the Jalopfolk know how to wrench.

No, it's the guys whose sexual awakening occurred on the Owlship.

If you give Snyder a completely story-boarded (or simply graphic-noveled) movie, he’ll deliver a decent product. The problems come when he tries to add in his own story, because he is a hideously terrible writer.  I see nothing here that indicates an improved level of creativity.

Amazing, but true.

“Good Day. I’m Wanda MacSimoff, and this is my brother Pete.”

Don’t be ridiculous. Florida doesn't have a thumb.

Slant six?

How many last summer?

There -is- reason to question his Judgement.

I just remember what a pain in the ass these were to keep on a bookshelf.  


Okay, this triggered me. Who do I sue? 

Asymetrics forever!

A cataract clouds vision.  Works for me.

Aw, next we"ll be looking for unwoke stuff in Dr. Seuss...

You have just described several orders of magnitude more thought process than deer are capable of.