nora charles- supersleuth

ah, i see, that does look a bit like her and i agree, that costume is terrible. i just clicked through to the actual youtube video to try to figure out who it is and she is identified in the caption as sharna burgess. no idea who that is. *shrugs forever*

evan rachel wood wasn’t up there, though. ???


not entirely on topic, but your story reminded me: my maternal grandmother passed away several years ago- she had been in assisted living and while i considered her passing sudden, i suspect that my mother had more of an inkling she was about to go. i was the only one in the family living in the same town as the

for me it was “bored to death”

But has Gwyneth said that she wanted him to confront Weinstein? If she didn’t know or did know and didn’t want him to it seems to me like a different type of possessive/controlling/patriarchal behavior to me. I don’t have enough info to rule that Pitt is not a dick in this situation.

the olsen twins were 17 about to turn 18 and the man was literally twice their age at 17.

i think that’s just if they’ve been taking hormonal birth control. takes a while for the hormones to go back to normal. my sister wasn’t on the pill and got pregs immediately after she started trying to.

which fans? ew.

The only thing the showrunners can do to make me forget how fucking awful that ep was is to reveal a plot between Arya and Sansa to manipulate Littlefinger and that’s why all the catfighting. Only path to redemption, and still pretty dumb. I expect to be disappointed.

really, dude? shrill? *rolls eyes forever

perfect comment is perfect.

I was just thinking they look like siblings, so this one will probably stick.

out of a cannon? into the sun? please, oh, please, oh, please!

I think it’s his vulnerability that makes him hotter than Firth. I love when he stammers. *blush*

Didn’t Joe Wright direct that one too? Might be he has a knack for drawing out these sorts of performances. Or maybe that’s not giving Kiera enough credit...

Do any of you Macfayeden-Darcy-lovers watch Ripper Street? A+ Netflix. Recommend.

ohmygod that skirt! i’m deceased now.

that’s heartbreaking.