
Is anybody trying to figure out what the hell is going on in the background of that first shot? It looks like a person falls out of their wheelchair, rolls down the steps, her friends run after her, and someone out of nowhere just runs in and steals the wheelchair. The satirization of NYC in this show kills me.

Each character battles their own demons so to speak. Chihiro struggles with apathy, Sophie struggles with honesty, San struggles with identity, Kiki struggles with confidence, I could go on and on… The point is I disagree with the broad statement that all the characters basically have the same personality.

It did. What I meant is that if people only go to see new Ghibli films because of Miyazaki, then the company will not succeed. This is a new group of artists taking the reigns and we must treat it as such.

All thoroughly different characters, but okay….

I like how there's no mention of the guy who actually directed this film in this article. If you assume that Miyazaki = Ghibli, then yes, this will be the last Ghibli film.

Parks and Korra is better.

Seasons 5 and 6 of this show were definitely the weakest in my mind and there are a lot of reasons for it. I think there wasn't any sort of clear objective and Leslie's daily obstacles were infuriating because even if she overcame them, they were meaningless. Meanwhile the side characters were sort of, as Ann once put

Lol, "white women found, hispanic woman also found."

My loss I'm sure.

Right back atcha.

I never claimed it was a short answer. The word "no" was the short answer.

Short answer: no. I don't think it makes any difference. Whether you're a man or a woman, if you are sexually aroused during a sexual assault against you, that does not mean that it wasn't sexual assault. It doesn't negate that somebody else, without consent, proceeded to violate and use your body for themselves.

Bitches be crazy.

Yes I have noticed. What they lack in penises they make up for in vaginas, which as you may know are also capable of arousal. So your point is utterly lost on me.

Can you enlighten me about why this setting in particular matters so much to you? Other than "I just think it's weird and not relatable and he was asking for it?"

(Oh, and by the way: Reddit does have value because it shows that real people talk about this, just apparently not you.)

(Psst, try the second link.)

Well I guess you can't read then.

"Firstly, it never occurs in rape of women." What else could you have been talking about here?

Oh and you asked for a citation? Here are just the first four from a google search of "sexual assault arousal."