
Your first point is highly, highly, highly incorrect sir. Female victims often report being physically aroused while being raped. It does not mean that they were not raped. You are spewing ill-informed opinion pieces instead of fact and if you choose to live in a world of fiction, please keep it to yourself and don't

I was of course referring to sexual assault in public places, not during performance art with male victims specifically. Although it seems that is the part of this that bothers people the most; that Shia LaBeouf was part of a performance art exhibition is somehow more offensive than that he might have been raped.

Still not consent. You'd be surprised how much this happens, for example, on the subway where the victim is surrounded by other people who either don't notice, don't react in time, or who freeze up themselves and do nothing to help. As I said, a sexual assault victim almost always has one of two reactions: they either

I don't care what Piers Morgan says, ALL rape allegations should be taken seriously by the public and law enforcement, even if it comes from someone who comes across as desperate for attention. Morgan is giving his opinion based on very few facts as a third party who wasn't even there. HE'S the one who is "repulsively

I really love how you paralleled feminist issues with Korra's story here. Very beautifully written and it means a lot.