
Maybe some Dark Sun too

One job, he had one job.....

This was probably the best anyone has handled Doom and Reed. We see both men at their brilliant egotistical best and worst. Battleworld as an analogy for Dooms damaged sense of self, Reed forced to accept working with his one true equal the Maker after failing to save everyone.

Another 8 min video with 2 mins of credits

This is so overblown as to be stupid. Vader and Luke were considered preternaturaly good at flying at a young age no one questioned that. Rey could fly. Dont forget she crashed the Falcon into half the crap on Jakku and the ground before pulling off one badass move, she was decent not amazing. She can fight before she

I scrollee through just to find this comment and star it.

I dont believe they could even sue them for loss of revenue. Competitors cause you to lose money you cant sue them for trashing your product or competing. TOS have no bearing on a company that makes tertiary software.

Yes, but they would use way more for an actual assault.

You would have a huge amount of prep fire for an op like this. Most likely they would pound multiple possible assault locations with artillery and precision fires through the day into the night and then when the tides were right for the assault they would really drill the primary location. Also there would be ten

There would be a generous amount of prep fire from offshore artillery and airborne platforms. Also think back to Saving Private Ryan. At D Day most of our amphib vehicles stopped at the beaches. Currently tactics would see 2 or 3 waves where the first one would be to punch through the enemy defense and create lane for

This is how I use up leftover home made whip cream. Just a nice spoonfull and some cinnamon is nice.

Dont forget this is the guy who stopped paying his employees healthcare months before his company ran out of money,and lied about it so he could make a WOW clone.

Also see Carleen Hutchins.

There are a few. Anne Nicole comes to mind. But asking someone to name luthiers is trouble at best. I know from local string shop who is around in Nj/NY its sort of a word of mouth business.

Convergence was awful and also the brainchild of hireups who needed the hold over for the move. No way they are going to take the blame.

Because of course the awful convergence titles had nothing to do with this.

Thank you I vomited a little when I read this idea. Also would not be basicaly an aioli not bearnaise?

It looks like a well painted dumpsterfire to me.

BHG is my default when I need a basic recipe as a starting. Also has best pancake recipe I have made. Honorable mention should be the Fanny Farmer Cookbook.… especially for the random Americana food you never learned to make.

Pretty normal. When i make apple jelly I just boil down the pressed liquid till it reaches the same ratio. Adding sugar is the shortcut but also makes the process simpler and more consistant.