
This was my feeling. America Chavez is a dope character. I loved Ultimates and was pumped for the solo book. But it was just bad. I think I made it 5 issues, it was just a dumpster fire. Which is a shame. Mockingbird was dynamite and how this book should have been. 

Definitely feel like Jason got the shaft. He was League of Assassins trained plus he is more willing to be ruthless than the rest.

Midnighter without a doubt is best. But also technically metahuman at this stage.

I would also like to state that any time Diego Luna wants to come to my house dressed as Cassian and whisper passionately about his beliefs he is welcome to.

I would read this. I would so read this. As a bi man with a 20 year crush on Petr and JubesI this sounds like the best story ever.

You have just revealed so much to me. My teenage years are now so mmuch clearer.

Really a great book. I have added Chelsea Cain to my list of authors I will follow no matter what comics they write.

Gennady Gennadaiavich Golovkin. The long middle name is a patronimic (name based on his fathers name).

Best name ever.

I do a chicken soup for my wife that is just like this. Use a whole package of chicken wings or thighs plus some giblets and livers if you can get them. Cook it till the chicken basicaly disolves into the broth.

So sad no more Midnighter.

Snyder’s work on Endgame is great but I thought Batman Eternal with Tynion was the peak. I am really excited both for Tynion getting Detective and Snyder writing All-Star. If you have to choose what to get pick up Batman Eternal it is very excellent, one of the definitive Bat stories for me. Currently I am catching up

I read anything Abnett writes on principle. All Star Batman sounds awesome. Snyder has killed it on the Bat titles in the last few years. Red Hood, Supergirl, Batgirl and Harley Quinn all sound great based on the writing talent.

Forget getting married. This guy needs to reevaluate what a selfish jackass he is. That sort of thought ought to spark some serious soul searching. How important is anyone to you if you are planning back up relationships? You dont marry someonw you view as expendable and really how much to you actually care about

True story my best friend and I were each others best man. In college I had a huge crush on him at one point. We both ended up marrying women. So yeah. But the evidence is anecdotal.

You are awesome.

I am pretty much convinced it was making semi racist porn jokes about Chinese censorship on air. Remember this was the country that banned consoles they tend to keep an eye on this stuff.

I have always felt like this show is a sitcom for idiots. Every joke is basicaly followed by moment or comment of the “haha because geeks, and nerds are awkward right? oh you didnt get it let me explain” nature.

And remember people do not cheat because they like the other person more. They cheat because they want something. Maybe the relationship is unfulfilling, or they got married young and missed being wild, or they are just damn curious. Does. Not. Matter. You would just be being used. Does not make L a bad person, just

Dark Sun holds a very warm, dry, twisted place in my heart.