
This is underscored by the fact that Elizabeth kills the husband first so that there can be absolutely no question about whether his wife needs to die.

I have to say that I doubt that Google is trying to kill Uber, considering that Google has a significant stake in Uber (

I don't know if anyone is still reading these comments, but I have some BIG ANALYSIS YOU GUYS.

This actually looks pretty fucking amazing.

I was almost as happy as Jared to see the return of monkeybread in the finale. And when Amantha said "rectify" it had me yelling out "SHE SAID IT! SHE SAID RECTIFY!"

Replica is an amazing album…

Definitely one of the best DN! episodes yet. It reminded me of A Town, A Gangster, a Festival (last season's best, imo) in the way it managed to seem lifelike and genuine while still being totally ridiculous. The only other episode that compares is the absolutely spot on parody of The Thin Blue Line, which completely

Loved the episode, but Liv's annoying cellmate being arrested for weed and chanting
Ferguson threw me for a spin. What the fuck was that all about?

If there's a terrible slut-shaming old Taylor Swift song, it's Better than Revenge off of Breathe.


Finishing up with A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, which I'm really enjoying. Check out the superlative first essay Derivative Sport in Tornado Alley (on Junior Tennis, Midwestern Weather, and Mathematics) here:…

Hell's Angels is unsurprisingly great, but it's not very well-organized. Sometimes it feels like Thompson talks about the same points over and over again. It's a good source of anecdotes, though, and the cultural commentary is as biting as ever.

B+ Horseman again!

Dirty Deez and the Dunder Chief

Just finished Banana Yoshimoto's 'Kitchen', which I managed to score for free from my library job. It's pretty much a novella with another bonus short story.

To think that for the first few episodes this show seemed like a pale (ha) imitation of Veronica Mars. Everything has been just been so EXCITING these past few weeks.

I loved the animation style for that special, what a shame.

Pokemon Snap: The Ride

Purity Ring have a unique and lovely sound, but they really can't write a song to save their lives.