
I actually thought Jessa had a pretty important moment in this episode, even if her arc doesn't really make much sense overall.

I was watching (well kinda, it was on) The Big Bang Theory the other day and noticed Eric Andre. Was a bit of a shock.

Such a lucid and dream-like film. The tone of the performances and the visuals is really well-done. Overall I liked it quite a lot. Watched it late at night, which is maybe a good idea.

Maybe my favourite episode of Girls so far? Really loved it.

The scene where Ilana was trying to drag Abbi into a threesome was the funniest thing I've seen on TV in a while.

Just because you relate to this episode doesn't make it great… I liked that part a lot but found most of the episode pretty flat and not that funny.

Hey, smart people aren't always social engineers.

I can certainly relate to the 'creative work while working a 9-5 job' aspect of this episode, but I can't really give it anything above a B or B+. It was one of those episodes where nothing really 'happened' in terms of the narrative, which is fine (especially on a show like Girls), but it also wasn't particularly…