Look at this rolling wedding coach palace! I mean, c’moon! You can easily fit a bride all meringued-up with 3 of her I’m-so-tipsy-I-don’t-care-I’m-dressed-like-a-giant-pink-and-turquoise-marshmallow brides maids…
Look at this rolling wedding coach palace! I mean, c’moon! You can easily fit a bride all meringued-up with 3 of her I’m-so-tipsy-I-don’t-care-I’m-dressed-like-a-giant-pink-and-turquoise-marshmallow brides maids…
Ran when parked back in 1971. Low ballers will be ignored. I know what I have.
I’d like to see someone go to a junkyard and drop a bowling ball on car hoods, made in Japan, USA and Europe and see how they all fare. But be precise and analytic please: measure the depth of each dent, slowmo video them bouncing off to see the rebound factor. Multiply that by Trump’s IQ, and we should get an…
The comments on this article rival with humour the irony of the video. Best day of my week.
C’mon Jalopnians! We can make that one a 100% Crack Pipe!!… Who’s with me?
Your mom rocks, and I would very much like it if she’d consider adopting me.
Ooops. That’s $233 Million CAD.
Yeah that makes total sense. Crush cars because of unpaid taxes that could be used for said infrastructure plan.
Don’t get your hopes up. It WILL get delayed due to (handmade) production problems.
You nailed that coffin on the (knuckle)head!
That is one pissed-off Aston Martin…
“And thy Red Wagoneer Dinosaur rolled and screeched. And thy Prophet declared “You Shalt Roar Again”. And thy rear drum loosened its grip, and thy skies opened and sun shone upon thee. And fun was had by all. And it was good. Amen.”
This must’ve been an infomercial… I’m waiting for the regular programming to resume.
Hail to smart german Smart engineers!! Ridding of the roads of their own creation by self immolation!
Do it!
Constable: “So, son, why d’ya do that for?”
I gonna say that I like it. It makes it quite unique. I know, I’m going to attract the ire of purists, but if that was done to the original Z, I’d scream and reach for my pitchfork. But this particular model had 80's bulk, fugly tail lights, and the styling got heavy in all the wrong places. Kinda like your highschool…
Thank goodness for the new Urus! Hauling a chopped tree on your roof was so redneck… the nice people at Lamborghini think of everything, now, don’t they?
“Gonna dry the track by drifting my truck!”