Le frenchy of the North

Deconstructivist approach to a Miro painting, blended with a late Picasso sculpture, with LEDs, and a touch of fluorescent #Because1980s

JALOPNIK CLASSIFIEDS: Not one but TWO homes (one in Calgary, Alberta Canada with a triple garage, one in Provence, South of France), a beautiful sexy wife (athletic, great cook) and my neighbour’s kids (because why not), AND some cash (a fortune by rural Bangladesh standards) to trade for a small, measly, hardy

It was self defence. That bus saw two germans on the roadway side and had to blitzkrieg them to oblivion, showing off its British Might in the process.

There IS a future for Peugeot.

Don’t drop that one either!

I wouldn’t want one if I had the money. Ever. There are so many classics out there with incredible and timeless design that would eclipse this prickly turd for a fraction of the cost.

Yamaha “Harambe” Edition.

Storm Trooper test rider. The Force is Strong with that Yamaha.

Shards of carbon fibre are flying through my monitor and straight into my eyes… this is the most stylistic waste of resources and money. Glad neither are mine.

Don’t drop it.

I believe carrying one of these cans of cheese-flavoured polyurethane into France will get you deported immediately.

Them darn hooligans and their unworldly automotive contraptions! GET OFF MY FRONT DRIVEWAY!

The giggling sounds does not come from a turbo, or tires… I’m pretty sure it’s coming from the fly that hitched a ride. You can see it on the roll cage, around 2:25 (lap timer). Weee he he he heeeee…

Can I has flat-four Ford trucks?

Rented a Fiat Panda (not the 4x4 model) in Milan, back in winter of ‘92, during an art school field trip. We drove this thing around Tuscany, visisted the must-see spots in the region, had lunch in Sienna, then headed back north via Pisa. We then took a turn up a small road on the Tuscan Apeninnes through small

Sensual purity, sensual purity, sensual purity, sensual purity,
sensual purity, sensual purity,
sensual purity, sensual purity,
sensual purity, sensual purity,
sensual purity, sensual purity,
sensual purity, sensual purity,
sensual purity, sensual purity, (ad lib)

Must be one of them emission cheatin’ thing-a-ma-bob!… cant’ trust them german cars no more!

Exactly what I thought after reading the article. And convert my brother’s ‘66 Karmann Ghia.

He must’ve had to cross again to get that camera he left on the shore…

HOG is an acronym for Harley Owners Group, NOT Harley Riders Group… (because HRG is hard to pronounce, unless you’re a pirate – HaRrrrGhhh)