
Also security theater is dumb.

As someone who really used to love WoW, I cant even imagine doing all that again...  

Oh, the days when games came with cloth maps. Bonus points if they were written in a made-up alphabet that you memorized when you were 10 because why the fuck not.

Not everything has to be pixel art.

Dave Arneson got Jack Kirby-ed.

Or brave enough to remove the guns themselves.

The third paragraph is the most important. If everyone is playing joke characters its fine. But people do this type of thing in full campaigns and it can incredibly destructive and anti-fun.

Or, you know, expect the visually impaired to call them on the phone.

Diablo holds my very first memory of playing with people online. I logged in to town and I asked about a secret cow level. He replied you have to run around a building 3 times and press Alt+F4. After starting the program again, it was at the young age of 12 I realized people online are jerks too.

Cut that artwork into pieces.

I’m a huge sports fan, one of my kids is not.

“cuck beta leftists.” I swear to god, you could not sound more desperate to seem cool as right-wing edgelords do when they string these words together.

Of the ten heroes released after the game launched, Sigma is the first white man.

Yeah, to go with the 6 others out of 30.

Before some more updates:

Honestly, this is the best gaming news I’ve heard all year. So excited!

The time for Gen1 has passed. You need to move on.

“scales back to the OG 150"

I am SO over Gen 1 I never want another game restricted to the first 150 again.

I belive the word you’re looking for is friends.