
Okay, I get nostalgia’s big these days, but like...why this? I was obsessed with gaming from a young age and would play damn near anything, but even I could see that these games were shit. So add this to the pile of reasons not to go into a Gamestop, I guess, right next to the mountains of Funko Pop.

This year was the reintroduction of 4day passes, so the ticket sales have been more spread out too

This one reeks of convenient excuse to get out of these conventions...

That cartoon got me into Tolkien.  Same year as Star Wars, so I was geek-branded for life.

Remember, Activision Blizzard laid off basically their entire QA team at the start of the current fiscal year.

The whoosh is real


Apparently, Emily Gordon replied on Instagram with a simple “Worth it.”

Esther, what are you sitting here slandering Hershey’s chocolate as the worst Halloween candy when Charleston Chew, Good & Plenty, Bit-o-Honey and Necco Wafers are floating around? Not to say anything of raisins!

If Hersheys is the worst you can conjure, you grew up in some high end trick or treating territory.

While I’d definitely agree that they put their foot, and whole leg, fully in their mouth with the whole situation this particular ban is pretty much a required one. If they didn’t run this particular ban, people would (and were!) call out favoritism towards certain groups (non-HKers) for making political messages on

Fucking Dire Maul...

I wonder how many new players have seen some of the allied races and say “Hey, those look cool... wait, why can I not choose those races when I create a new character?”

YES! Why the fuck, even on PC, are they that slow? Nothing snaps in that game and it’s tiring looking at essentially a loading screen to open inventory lol.

My 1700 hours of Bastion have now been validated. 

As someone who really used to love WoW, I cant even imagine doing all that again...  

Oh, the days when games came with cloth maps. Bonus points if they were written in a made-up alphabet that you memorized when you were 10 because why the fuck not.

Not everything has to be pixel art.

Dave Arneson got Jack Kirby-ed.

Or brave enough to remove the guns themselves.

The third paragraph is the most important. If everyone is playing joke characters its fine. But people do this type of thing in full campaigns and it can incredibly destructive and anti-fun.