
Here’s a thought: maybe wait until your broken game is no longer broken until you make it into an esport.

Psst! *looks around, leans in* None of this is supposed to accomplish anything. He’s just trying to look busy and important until the whole thing blows over

Brigitte is basically Blizzard’s concept(combat-wise)of a paladin. If you played vanilla WoW as a pally, you’ll see your bitter nostalgia through her.

Narcissistic personality disorder brought about by years of sycophantic yes men not calling him out on his bullshit.

Yeah, the problem is intolerant audiences, not Marvel. How do people not get that?

Now let me introduce you to my friend “Black Diablos” who will randomly appear while you’re hunting anything in the Wildspire Waste. Prepare a change of pants.

I jokingly refer to them as Tzatziki-sauce-ku.

You could always make her a delicious meal in a crockpot.

Related to this, the casting of Avatar: The Last Airbender was never really controversial, but the casting of the live-action movie was.

Phil Lamar, a black man, was cast to voice Samurai Jack, a Japanese man.

it was not meant to offend or minimize the seriousness of today’s events.

Christ, do people think the Doomsday Clock is actually a real thing?

Now playing

Track: My Friend T3 (Remix Of Resynthesize) | Artist: Mrs Jynx | Album: The Standoffish Cat

Hands down my favorite part of any RPG campaign, computer or table-top, is at the very beginning when you get to trade 1d4 blows with iron weapons against goblins, kobolds, and other assorted creatures. #Goblins4Life!

that’s cool, but he still need to GTFO with that bullshit.

If Lyme disease goes untreated or misdiagnosed for a long time it can have life long effects. I know someone who’s had it for about 30 years. Thought it was Lupus up until a year ago. Regardless, in the context of this story, the take away is that she is ill.

isn’t it at some point just “movie costumes and makeup”?

I’m sorry, although his costume and makeup are great, he does not have the requisite body mass to match High Flexarch Turalyon.

There is no such thing as a tanking main class in this game though. Bungie has even said as much. They don’t believe in class synergies which I think is one of the weakest parts of the game honestly.

Clips like this make me really, really wish this game had some sort of shooting range practice mode.