
wait you cant romance Vitra?

oh look more body suit overwatch -_-

This. I have come to a screeching halt of playing because of peoples obsession with “meta”. I main Hanzo, hell i even cosplay him (was at the kotaku ball in NYC what up!?) it doesnt matter what you do people are just made of salt. I’d play a round of competitive and lock down 2-3 gold medals for killing and normally

so... much... photoshop -_-

also man a guy attends your cosplay ball in a suit of armor and still no love? yeeeeeeeesh

the lighting is in fact good, but that has been rather heavily edited 

Nope. I do a lot of big cosplay builds (i was Hanzo from the Kotaku NYCC party) and halloween for my wife and i? Burt Macklin... FBI!

Agreed, the basic multiclass functionality of this is terrifying. I would take a ranger level on default if in a situatoin where i needed to min/max (which i normally dont what a boring way to play)

the ammount of time i spent on UO in my youth... the no levels skill system with up/down/lock and the player housing and economy via vendor npcs? no game has matched this yet if you ask me

hell give me pretty much the SAME exact system in a modern game engine and i would be happy beyond belief

really guys? sure they post plenty of overwatch stuff but a ddos bringing servers down for bnet is kind of a relevant thing to post on a gaming site dont ya think? considering it includes overwatch, WoW, Diablo and starcraft... these are big games no matter what your opinion of them are

what kind of silly shitshow is this? clicked over here from kotaku not knowing id be sent to jez...

oh no there is no none ANIME (not white, anime) style hair! the skin tones arnt perfect! oh no!

i swear people look to find outrage in everything just so they can have something to be angry about

that is Extreme Costumes, same guy who made the Hulkbuster suit everyone saw at NYCC last year

some are better than others at making the vids, only a few big ones out there like sneakyzeebra and beatdownboogie

still plenty of photos out there, i prefer non editted photos to see craftsmenship myself BUT as a cosplayer? being in these videos can be a ton of fun

yaaaa because 76 and Rein are old and will beat you down like the little young punk you are

i always spend my downtime at work browsing Artstation... can i just do these articles for you? haha

ya... i’ve had this, i laugh and take it as a compliment... that and normally hunt the person saying it just to rub it in... was playing Hanzo and probably offed the one guy saying it in a round 10-15 times

so ill chime in as someone who cosplays
1. yes its still cosplay
2. decently shopped photos can be super fun to have (i have a couple myself but mainly just photo edits on contrast and such)
3. for the purpose of highlighting actual craftsmanship and the costume itself its a giant load of crap that can turn a mediocre

dedicated the weekend to McCree and he actually works as a great Bastion counter if you are within 20-30m. take a couple pot shots as you move towards them, combat roll when the bullets start flying, immediately stun grenade after the roll followed by a close range Fan the Hammer, this will kill a bastion attached to

pretty much

nahh i know a few in the north eastern US who are legit good people and really nice both in a cosplay scene and not.... but their are assholes everywhere huh?

Interesting take. I have no real issue with it BUT as a cosplayer its a very weird weird system. It makes some hungry for “likes” and more “famous” cosplayers can end up kind of acting like dicks far to often (not all mind you but i have experienced it a few times) maybe its just a diva mindset?

If people can get paid