
I had no words when I read this last night. Then I made the mistake of reading some of the grays. (ಠ_ಠ)

Author. (Earlier books are definitely better, and “Lamb, The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal” is particularly good.)

You a Christopher Moore fan?

I would just like to note that I am currently doing a Whedonverse re-watch, so I highly approve of your user name.

I just went to see Kingsman 2, so now I have John Denver stuck in my head. Purple Rain is better!

Ugh. Just ugh.

where the primary female character’s individuality is so unimportant, she doesn’t have a last name.

My in-laws love it, so if we’re visiting, I’m forced into watching it. It is just horrible.

There is so much wrong with that show, I don’t even know where to begin.

Did you meditate to get through the non-concert parts of Purple Rain? ;)

I was talking about this with a friend. I read it and eye-rolled so hard.

Wow - that was such a shit-show.

It may not be available where you are, but I think you can buy it on the Interwebs. I used to be a committed Smartfood fan, then I moved out here and switched allegiances. Occasionally, they have dill pickle popcorn which is SO GOOD, but it’s really rare.

Yeah, I typed it and then said... “well, shit.”

Oh that one will shut a conversation down. It’s kinda fun that way. It’s frequently the word that gets me called a “bad feminist.”

White folks get real mad about “bitch”.

What bobkoure replied to me.

Mueller is meticulous. Part of me wants him to rush, but the other half is thinking, “this is the man who successfully prosecuted Manuel Noriega - he knows how to take the leader of a country down.”

My late mother had a saying about that: