
Not that it’s forgivable - because the editorial department should be in touch with the graphic designers for the cover - but I’m wondering if it was a layout decision.

First: White Cheddar Popcorn Fans unite! I don’t care how sticky it makes my fingers, it is my major dieting weakness. I hope for thematic appropriateness, you were eating Old Dutch.

I just finished reading her piece. I am utterly and completely in awe of her self-possession.

True. I think it’s just a response from living in Wisconsin for nearly a decade. Where we lost Russ Feingold to freaking Ron Johnson, and then I got gerrymandered into a Tea Party district. When there are responsible reps who care about their constituency and try to do good, I’m always like, “Noooooo! Stay with us!”

Nah, I like sweet drinks, but this would blow out my taste buds. There has to be something more neutral in the mix for me to temper the sweetness a little bit.

Excellent question. Seriously doubt they ever have. But is it too cynical to say that the DNC cares more about campaign donations instead of black lives?

Knock yourself out.

Yeah I know. (Grew up in the DC area and lived there a looooong time before moving to the Midwest.)

No one reads with reading comprehension anymore. I’m convinced of it.

One for each of us.

It was impossible to believe he’d get the nomination. It was impossible to believe he’d win. It was impossible to believe he’d be as insane as he is. So...yeah, knowing the state of the US electorate and the ability of the DNC to not get their heads out of their asses? I’m not discounting this.

We’re screwed, that’s what happens.

I agree - just noting a reason he probably lost. He’s not my rep, but he’s near my district, and I think he would have been an excellent choice. (I have to admit, though, that I’m glad he’s still a rep for my state. He was going to give up his seat if he won. The district is reliably blue so that wouldn’t have been a

Because he’s considered to be an anti-semite, so you lose major Jewish donors?


Um, yeah, “lucky” the victim survived is an understatement. There are some big blood vessels in that general vicinity. That poor kid could have bled out REALLY quickly.

From the Daily News article:

I’ve got a few family and friends who you’d have to flip for it. ;)

I hate when people eat off my plate uninvited, even my husband. Aside from the occasional french fry, we never do that - we always ask each other, “do you want a taste?” and then we usually swap a small bite of our dinners. If I wanted to eat a full plate of his dinner, I would have ordered it.

I REALLY hate when I

If it’s of any consolation, I don’t have them in front of me right now, either. Nor do I have any of their corn bread. (Which they use to make croutons for the burnt-ends chili...)