That was a hot-mess and a definitively educated guess of a statement.
That was a hot-mess and a definitively educated guess of a statement.
Okay, that was a shit-show.
Wait, what? (My interaction has been hit-or-miss the past few weeks - I’ve been dealing with various plumbing/HVAC issues.) Are you serious?
I swear to god, I think he thinks he’s like a Bond villain or something. Excepet he’s not even a bargain-basement Bond villain. He’s a bargain-basement Austin Powers villain.
Chewable Pepcids or good old fashioned Tums are helpful, too. (The Pepcids are 12-hours, the Tums are more short term, but sometimes more effective.)
Can confirm this happens with acid reflux. I had to go on a statin last year, and the first one gave me acid reflux. I didn’t make the connection until the morning I made a pot of tea to help settle my stomach and my GI system let me know how it felt about that within a few minutes.
Decaf tea and broth and get that…
Yeah, it’s about 20 degrees colder than it should be right now. The pisser is we have not yet reached the “Cold sucks, so let’s have a festival with plentiful outside bonfires, warming tents, and booze” part of the season.
I’m feeling your pain. It’s 20 (and the windchill is fucking 4) and my husband is out of town, so I don’t like leaving the tea kettle on with no one in the house. But I am now sitting here with my biggest mug filled with the stiffest tea I’ve got. What we do for these fuzzy little monsters.
Look at sweet little munchkin.
I know. I just really hate “Minnesota Nice.” Concepts like empathy or patience aren’t really part of it, nor is logic. Because I would say 2/3 of our homeless population is white, but there’s a lot of code-word racism involved in the bitching about it. There are things I like about living in the Twin Cities, but some…
The “I moved into this gentrifying neighborhood after it got written up in several magazines as the new hip place to be, and now I can’t stop bitching about the homeless problem that’s been here forever” guy. Where does he rank?
I feel like I need to be reminded that my community is not the blue-utopia it purports to be. It makes me want to throw things, but it keeps me appropriately angry.
Colonoscopies are key.
If you read some of the comments - I think it was the Strib, but it could have been the Pioneer Press - they are. Sour grapes all around, that.
I’ve noted elsewhere, but the Carter win is really extraordinary.
Thanks. It fucking sucked. And it’s better than Hannity deserves.
My Mom died of colon cancer - well, that and the absolutely brutal chemo that was necessary to treat it.
I think we need a breakdown as to how many of these came from Michael Harriot. He has some of the best alternate-names.
I know there are far more significant events to be excited about this morning, but damn, this is awesome.