Is it wrong that I saw the Flash costume and pictured him zooming around your house making the appropriate zoomie noises? (Dying. SO cute. I am a sucker for highly nommable cheeks.)
Is it wrong that I saw the Flash costume and pictured him zooming around your house making the appropriate zoomie noises? (Dying. SO cute. I am a sucker for highly nommable cheeks.)
The cheeks on that second picture need some serious, serious nomming. I swear I can also hear the gurgle-giggle.
I remember people saying W. was gonna be an awesome POTUS because he was the first POTUS with an MBA.
Political cartoonist Mr. Fish did this one yesterday.
While Damore, no stranger to histrionics, claims he still supports Google and hasn’t been pressed to answer to why his memo resonates so much with white nationalists, he sports a T-shirt with the word “Goolag” displayed in the fashion of his former employer’s logo in his Twitter avatar. Nothing says former Soviet…
Somewhere in my massive editing process, something dropped out, but let me state it: obviously, this was not for the regular audience of The Root. This is for my fellow white people peeking in. Stopping systemic racism starts with white people and there’s no way around it. Changing your FB profile photo and swapping…
The rapper also had a few words of advice to white people who don’t want to be associated with white supremacists, and it’s pretty simple: call them out on their shit.
They just discontinued it a few weeks ago. I went onto Amazon and got another to put into reserve when my current one dies. (I have a REALLY old Nano that’s still kicking in a docked speaker, so hopefully, that’s a long time from now.) Because Apple is only going with the Touch now.
My husband inexplicably loves his Apple Watch, even though he’s constantly trying to figure out how to get all the various notifications turned off. Constantly. Damn thing never shuts up.
“We are trying to make this peaceful. We are trying to be law-abiding,” he sobbed, like the little bitch he is.
That Vice video that’s going around right now is hard to watch. So if you haven’t watched it - or just couldn’t get past the beginning when Christopher Cantwell referred to Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice as “little black asshole acting like a savage,” which almost made me stop, because, repulsive - at the end, he had…
We have another candidate for that most-punchable-face competition (can’t remember which thread it was on now)...
I don’t even know if that’s actually a joke or a legitimate prediction.
Normally I’m with you on that and it is worrisome, but in this case, I kinda feel like a few generals - who generally do not attain that post without OTT levels of brains and discipline - might be what’s called for here. Because the Execuitve branch appears to be woefully short of brains and discipline at the moment.
You’re braver than me. I didn’t even look.
A memoir would imply a publishing house is giving her money to talk about her thoughts. This woman needs less money and less platform. Arguably she needs to think more but let’s face it - she has a tiny little hamster wheel in her head, and that hamster is wearing blinders. I doubt she’s done much critical thought,…