
News tip for you (a friend of mine lives/works in Charlottesville and sent this along). Or maybe something you wanna print out and use the photos for a dartboard or something. (I think definitely a discussion of how if a black man had shown up in public with a semi-automatic rifle, the cops wouldn’t be stepping back

*swirls hath subsided*

Oof. Word Vomit. Apologies. My doctor tweaked my meds, and things are a bit swirly here at DenMother central. Perhaps I should stick to laundry today.

The World Wide Web in general, actually. It’s done a lot of good as far as spreading information and connecting people cheaply, but it’s also always had a dark side.

It just never gets old, does it?

According to the Post, local media also reported the arresting officer being treated at a hospital, although the injuries weren’t specified.

Oh wait, he’s a paleoconservative!

From the Fox article:

*makes an offering* *slinks back out*

That’s pretty much what I meant. I want to see municipalities prepare the same way for these “nice, clean-cut” white guys as they do for BLM protests, whatever that takes. Because I can’t imagine what the response would be if BLM protestors showed up in riot gear and openly carrying weapons.

I don’t believe I have ever heard “dick nose.” This is a fairly accurate representation of my response:

Know how the NFL has been examining the brains of late football players for CTE? I feel like we need to ask these shitheads to donate their brains and bodies to science for study later on. There has to be some sort of brain malformation and/or genetic tweak that allows you to be so utterly, so brazenly delusional in

Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Texas has a right-wing nut job as a Governor in Greg Abbott. He’s not going to be any help here, either symbolically or literally. A fact which I’m sure had NOTHING to do with choosing a location to stage another “rally.”

No, I agree. I hate her quite a bit. But, you know, the tweet came across my screen phrased as “The White House has responded...” Suffice it to say, my sarcasm is the tip of a very large anger iceberg.

Can these guys be up their own butts when they’re pretty much 100% asshole? It’s like an ouroboros of douchebaggery*.

That is an incredibly valid point.

On the contrary.

What struck me during Kessler’s aborted press conference? The people were all shouting “Shame. Shame. Shame.” It’s not a novel word or anything, but using it in the repeated monotone against a public figure became a meme at the end of Season 5 of Game of Thrones. That episode was actually written/scripted by Benioff &

Of course not. But we need to make sure all those who have punchable faces get a chance to compete.