
I’d volunteer to be a test-puncher, but really, you want someone whose shoulders aren’t damaged all to hell. However, I will be happy to supply the punchers with ice for their fists and some baked goods.

Thanks. And I miss her I’m pretty sure she would have had some choice words about this nonsense.

I think Spencer is in the Punchable Face Hall of Fame at this point, so is he allowed to compete?

True. I guess I’m projecting. I’m only a few generations off the boat on the Polish side of my family, and those that were still in Poland during WWII were all shipped off to Auschwitz. (They weren’t Jewish, but Hitler just hated the Poles in general.)

It got news coverage. Because, you know, she’s IVANKA. She’s the sane one of the White House who will make her father more Presidential. (Personally, I’m waiting for Mueller to take her and Jared down.)

Thank you for the update. Those videos make me feel a little bit better about humanity.

I’d say it’s usual political platitudes...but they are hardly politicians. They are grifters, pure and simple.

Awww - Ivanka finally weighed in:

The story about this on WaPo noted two Chinese tourists did this last week - well, not the drunk part, they were taking pictures in front of the Reichstag *facepalm* - and they were fined and let go. Ditto for a Canadian tourist a few years ago. So he’ll probably just get fined.

As noted: not holding my breath.

I had to skip the Women’s Day March in my town because of that reason. I have a lower leg injury that flares up from time to time, and when it does, I have to walk with a cane. My winter cane is aluminum with a set of retractable spikes on the bottom that look like this. No way in hell that wouldn’t have been

From his GoFundMe:

Those guys came loaded for bear and looking for trouble. The helmets and goggles and chest-plates, the portable barriers, the pepper spray and batons - you had to do a double-take the first few pictures you looked at because usually that’s the cops/National Guard in a situation like this, not the protesters.

True. I lived in Wisconsin under the beginnings of the Walker administration, and it was breathtaking how quickly they went after voting rights.

And for the white people who believe they’ve done enough, who believe their hands are washed, they’re at your kitchen tables and happy hours and bbqs and weddings. They’re in your families.

They’ve been doing it for a while now. It’s just now they’re totally comfy being filmed by the press now while doing their “Heil Trump” salutes. Also, you know, a protest this large is better for ratings, so it’ll show up on major national news outlets. Doesn’t hurt it’s an East coast protest.

Why would he say that? I don’t think he ever came out and said it during the campaign (today’s news is overwhelming my GoogleFu to confirm that) and we know he encouraged violence at his rallies. To Trump, this is more of the same - remember, he started campaigning for 2020 a few hours after the inauguration and still