
We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence – on many sides.

No they need free-speech, otherwise they whine about how oppressed they are. And these shitheads can afford good lawyers to make sure they always get it (and simultaneously manipulate the situations to keep other groups from having it).

What needs to happen is this group, at the very least, needs to go on the FBI’s

Also, anyone who didn’t vote at all. How many “okay, I don’t like Clinton for legitimate reasons but I have to admit that she is exponential levels better than the dumpster-fire that is Trump” votes were lost that could have turned the tide? (Full disclosure - I’ve never been a fan of the Clintons and I think there

This thread just popped up on my Twitter feed - definitely click through.

I would like the cabinet to get together and say, “Yes, we are the Evil League of Evil, but we can keep doing that under Pence, too. All in favor of invoking Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, say ‘Aye’.”

Oh it’s okay. Former paleontologist = lots of time spent in bio labs. (Can’t learn to know what the fossilized stuff looks/moves like if you don’t understand the extant stuff.) I have seen viscera. It’s more like “Why would you make a cake look like that? Cake is GOOD. Open abdominal cavities are BAD.” Also, it

I just googled “intestine cake” and really wish I hadn’t.

I’ve read this a couple of times now - as well as looking at the picture of the cop at the top - and I keep coming up like this:

I really wish I could give you more than one star. Will a nice slice of cake do?

When a friend of ours was still smoking, he decided to follow Daly from hole to hole and match him cigarette-for-cigarette.

I don’t know if it was better, but my curiosity got the better of me. It did look as if it might be filled with white tears, by doing a quick scan of the timeline.

I started watching the “I’M SORRY” video, and could barely get a 1/2 minute into it before this emotion popped up:

You were much too secure for him. Which is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

I hope that’s one of the reasons he’s your ex. Ugh.

First, Isis is a lovely name. Your whole name is lovely, actually - it flows off the tongue. And I’m trying to figure out how you can mispronounce “Isis” - that is fucking nuts.

I made a friend the first week my freshman year at college - Rob was a Black/Native American pre-med major who lived in my “brother” dorm, and we met at a dorm-sponsored “getting to know your neighbors” thing. We bonded quickly because we were both declared science majors as freshman - I was Geology to his

People not named Koch.

God, what a mess. (I read this really late last night, and I think my husband gave me his fever this morning.) That’s just insane.