There is actually an art to creating a solidly sealed Lucy. Part of it is moistening the ground beef with a panade (aka, some white bread soaked in milk or stock) so it doesn’t dry out and crack during cooking, and then you surround the cheese and seal it with half the meat first, THEN surround that with the rest of…
There are actually two others - that was the third in the series.
If it’s of any consolation, my late mother was a native New Yorker. If she wasn’t walking she loved taking cabs and hated taking the subway, unless it was absolutely necessary. She would totally agree with your assessment on the smells, the dirt, and the crowding.
A) Happy Birthday! (From a fellow Leo.)
More coded language in the immigration bill news today.
My late mother was a New Yorker. She would approve of your window treatments.
I live in a Twin Cities downtown neighborhood with a good amount of street traffic (at least for this area). The previous owner of our street level condo - who lived here for almost a decade - had the flimsiest blinds, where she had them at all. After we painted and had the carpets scrubbed, I got much better blinds…
This just broke over at the NYT:
Totally. Love that site.
I guess I got lulled by the “Beckys” mostly comprised of women with who seem to really enjoy both hearing themselves talk and being in the news a lot.
There’s a term in jewelry-making called “en tremblant.” It means a part of the setting is mounted on a tiny spring, so when the wearer moves, pieces of the setting subtly vibrate or “tremble.” They were usually well-jeweled pieces that would catch the light as they moved.
I actually just snorted. There’s also some sort of joke there about feeding Gremlins after midnight, but I can’t find it right now...
Yep. Worked on dinosaur digs and wandered all over the North American badlands. Destroyed my hips and shoulders doing it, still miss it a lot. However I deemed general mobility pretty damn important in the grand scheme of things, so that was a part of the decision to give it up.
Oh, I’m under no illusions about the crappiness of previous administrations, trust me. I voted for Hillary, but it didn’t feel good - I trust the Clintons as far as my destroyed joints could throw them. I think he was an average POTUS at best.
Is it bad that I think I might be inured to all the fucking cabinet members who want to roll back civil rights at this point because there are just so many of them? I can’t figure out day to day which one is the most loathsome, because they’re all loathsome.
As a white woman? Sure, you’re taught that. But if you don’t have the right parents to correct the cultural views, then it’s pretty easy to buy in to the concept that being a good person = getting a cookie. I’ve done a lot of volunteer work over the years, and I always find it amazing how some people show up and…
See I feel like she just has a disregard for education for anyone who isn’t a gazillionaire like herself.