
I’m honestly still stunned Betsy DeVos beat Rachel Dolezal. But the way White Allies have zoomed through, I’m not sure she would have beaten them. Or it would have been, like, peak White Ally against all White Allies, which could have been a tough match-up.

Yeah, but those usually aren’t clear. Security guards (which, let’s face it, is what TSO’s are) prefers clear bags so they can see exactly what’s in them. No mysteries to require a bag search.

If you do tend to travel with tablets, e-readers, laptops, and game consoles, be sure to pack them in a way that’s easily accessible. You need to be able to pull them all out quickly, then put them back.

It’s infuriating across the board, but on a personal level, the software development category is super-duper pissing me off.

Right back at you.

Senator Harris has been tweeting out about this as well.

I like the way you think. *hands boots over*

As a former usability professional?

I’m happy to loan you my old steel-toed boots. They’re worn in, and size 6-1/2. (For a tall woman, I’ve got tiny little feet.)

On the Asian-American story:

I read the article about the NYC/Teen partnership before this one. Cynical/skeptical, yes, but at least someone is trying something.

I’m grateful - I really am. I am an assembly of pre-existing conditions, and considering that travesty would have allowed employers to drop insurance? That vote did a lot to help me live a longer, more productive life.

I didn’t need this to know he’s a showboat and capable of grandstanding.

Off-topic story tip:

Maybe my friends/co-workers were trying to be generous. But still - I always thought it made sense. Giving some random change once or twice does very little, but a blanket - especially in Minnesota - is ultimately more useful. Or you don’t think about not being able to do laundry or even the ability to get to a

He would probably be too busy hitting on a college-aged white woman mowing someone’s lawn to think about trying to arrest her.

Alternatively, “Fuck Y’all” could be changed to “Bless Their Hearts”

That was a Confederate rally, too, if I remember correctly? Ugh.

It’s ‘curious’ that armed white people seem to come out of these situations alive a lot more often than PoC.

I used to work with social workers who were pretty clear - you shouldn’t give cash to homeless people. Food, water, blankets, clothes, gift cards to fast food, public transit passes, pre-filled vending cards for a laundromat, your time to just look them in the eye and have a conversation and really acknowledge them as