Inigo Schwarzenegger

Kool Aid drinkers born every second.

Well, hell just a few years ago these guys would’ve been disappeared into Iran, held on end for years until a show trial, convicted and held for years more until they could be negotiated free. This is such a positive in our relations. They detained them buy the book, videoed it as proof of no maltreatment. Seemed to

Extreme views on both sides are bullshit. I only trust one source to accurately report the news without any bias. I watch The Daily Show.

My wife had Fox News on last night when she went to bed. The woman and her two guests repeatedly talked about how embarrassing it was and how these soldiers were forced to do things they didn’t want to do and that it was basically an act of war.

Safety valves and failsafe backups are job killing regulations. Why do you hate freedom?

It’s the Republican way! Megyn Kelly argued for family leave after she had kids, Dick Cheney supports gay marriage because his daughter is gay, the Bushes support immigration reform because some of them are Hispanic, and on and on and on. If a Republican holds a rational view on something, you can bet dollars to

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king?

I might snuff out my child for doing something so awful so I applaud their courage to do the right thing and let the law handle it. awful for them as well.

The Khmer Rouge used kids this age and younger as soldiers and executioners. ISIS is doing the same thing today. I’m not going to try to guess what these kids have been exposed to, and what else is going on, but you can’t assume that kids won’t do horrible shit, especially in a group.

That’s why (in general) I think

My son would have to pray that the cops get him first.

Your house =/= store.

Huzzah for the parents.

I wonder the nationality of the person who refused to let someone use the phone and the nationality of the father. I also think there is a very special place in hell for those who refuse to help other’s in an emergency. I think people should be publicly shamed for being assholes.

I’ve seen people tearing the father to shreds for leaving when commanded (by gun). I know that it’s a tragically difficult scenario to imagine, and people’s instincts are to stay with their children no matter what, but who knows what would’ve happened if he stood his ground? At least this way he was able to leave and

He has to differentiate himself from Ben Carson, the pro-brain candidate. Trump is on the record as anti-brain.

On the matter of lead poisoning in our water supply, Trump was later heard complaining that, like America, our water has gone soft.

To be fair, brain damage likely accounts for over 50% of his support.

“Since drunk driving kills over 10,000 Americans a year I guess you also champion drone strikes upon all drunk people about to get into cars. And every single bar.”

Yeah, not so much. ISIS has hospitals in the areas they control. Blow up whatever needs to be blown up.