Inigo Schwarzenegger

Did you just #AllLivesMatter the Holocaust?

I wish we stigmatized rape and abuse from a young age the way we do drugs. Can we get a D.A.R.E program for assault FFS?

What a coincidence! It just so happens that there’s virtually always something objectionable about the voices of women who speak up in public. I’m sure it has nothing to do with internalized sexism. Just like how women are criticized for every vocal trait imaginable—saying “like” too much, upspeak, vocal fry—while men

Heh. I misread that and thought ‘Suicide Squid.’

OMG she’s serious? I wonder if she ever noticed that NOT spraying vinegar and then waiting 10-15 minutes also makes the trails disappear...

What is the difference between Algae and Mosses?

Because the entire system is built on obtaining convictions. Collateral damage is not their problem.

Attorneys have the right to cross examine any witness testifying. That’s why you can’t just introduce depositions, affidavits, and the like. That does not give them the right to treat her the way they did. There are a multitude of other ways used to ensure she was able to testify, rather than this monstrosity of

As I age it becomes clearer and clearer that the law and justice are two very different things.

::giant rage stroke::

Holy hell this is disgusting. Jesus women can’t catch a break. If your abuser doesn’t traumatize you enough, the system is here to ensure the job is done.

Because some people have learned to use their words to effect change and are striving for a future where it is not the number of bullets one has in a magazine that matters.

And have a centralized economy run by the government, nationalized industries, expanded old-age welfare, confiscation of war profits, and the state being charged first with providing opportunity for livelihood for citizens.

“I don’t understand how the same people compare Trump to Hitler are the same ones that also want strict gun control and want to undermine the Second Amendment”

Hitler was a convicted felon who went to prison for treason.

I don’t know, I actually think there would be a market for a well written exploration of faith and religion. I didn`t finish Dragon Age Inquisition because the gameplay kinda sucked but I did enjoy the games religious aspect.

As a christian and a gamer I REALLLLY understand what these people were trying to do. And thew few games that were around weren’t the worst things ever. But the fact remains most people aren’t going to be interested in christian games. Again, God bless you if you want to make one. Just realize its probably not going

OMG, that poor little island...

Yes, those pesky rights - like the right to a jury trial only apply in crimes that aren’t scary or warlike. It says so in the constitution!

I wonder how far forward in time you could go and still understand the language?