Inigo Schwarzenegger
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He didn’t receive a rousing theatricial musical tribute...

Isn’t this virtually all nations, including ours? Are we going to ban or unconstitutionally limit internal travel too?

Not if those patriots sitting on 300 million guns have been sitting polishing the aforementioned guns, lamenting fictional conspiracies to take those guns (but only from their cold, dead, resistant hands), and occasionally making veiled comments about revolution & secession...

Please tell me Samel L Jackson encounters a snake.

If there’s any word over six letters long that he knows, I think he knows “plunder”. He certainly has expertise in that area.

Actually, I’m in favor of dropping congressmen into swamps on principle alone. Deterring congressional nonsense is probably more important than deterring mosquitos.

I’m all in favor of dropping congressmen into swamps if it will deter the mosquitos. I’d think the incessant whining would work.

But how do we get the the male mosquitos to use them?

Consumers and fans don’t.

I’m OK w/ keeping Jackson on the $20 & giving Harriet Tubman another demonination if we can replace the image on back with something like these:

There is nothing funny about prison rape, & it’s a horrible thing when it happens in other circumstances.

Yep. That’s what will happen.

“Is there’s a such thing as a hung population?”

What? You want the U.S. to adopt European (i.e. Socialist practices? :-)


Perhaps they want to call Zuckerberg in to congratulate him on his personal and corporate exercise of constitutional rights, and reassure him they in they absolutely will not use this for grandstanding, and have no intention of increasing regulations, or even pressuring him to change, just because they disagree with

Didn’t have to see more than the title to know what network affiliate it was going to be.