
The product is horse shit from what little I’ve sampled. They can’t get out of their own way to make stars, they won’t let the talent be themselves, and they don’t listen to the audience. It took them 6 years and a pandemic shutting the live events down for them to finally turn a guy the fans rejected from good to

I don't like the lyrics, her voice, and those hideous high-waisted pants.  I want to like it otherwise.  I'll give them a chance if I hear one clever lyric from them. 

tori amos and Kate Bush were pretty amazing.

Burroughs' brow furrows

Haha.  yep, to each their own.  I can't stand the young bucks.  If you can't sell and you're not Hacksaw Jim Duggan, get out of the ring I say.  

Violently inauthentic.

because scrubbing Benoit will lose a few viewers, but scrubbing Trump could lose him hundreds of thousands of viewers, and those viewers’ offspring viewers?

Bro Love is definitely suable. Sorry.

I find Donald Trump to be infuriating on a daily basis, and I agree with you about the bombastic link of his ascent to wrasslin’.

Infuriating? WWE’s hall of fame isn’t even a building, like a proper "hall of fame".  It’s not a hall. In fact, its probably where Donald John is going when he dies.  

Ya low-expectation-havin' motherfucka!

I laughed.   Good choice.  Run For Your Life would have crossed the line for me. 

Probably not All My Loving, as John only sang harmony on that one.  As a former obsessive, I would love to know the song it was, if anybody knows.  

..and the occasional rum & coke to relax themselves before the flight.  

I wouldn’t even have clicked, lest for multiple mentions on my podcast background noise, The Jim Cornette Experience.  Apparently this phenomenon even reaches outcasts like me.  Cool story, brah.  

I liked Outland, but Bloom County was better.

For fucks sake. There’s nothing sexual on the broadcast, and yes, effeminate men exist, in wonderfully varying degrees.  

In America circa 1997, gay acceptance was not exactly a mainstream thing. Does it matter to you at all that South Park helped in that cause? Well before Lady Gaga put her first makeup on?

Could we keep her, idiotic impeachment rhetoric aside, and dump Bitch McConnell and Lindseunoch Graham instead?  

He still has more neck than the original criminologist.