Inhuman Interaction

Glad you called out Monsanto - I was agreeing with you all the way until it seemed liek you were gonna give Monsanto a pass, but then you added that bit and the end and I'm good now. GMOs have great potential to do lots of good in the world. They're awesome, and protesting them is dumb. Labeling food as containing

That's not actually what happened. You're willfully misunderstanding the facts. She asked local fans who were also musicians to come out and play for free, but she pays her backing band, which tours with her. She always had.

Please explain to me how an artist trying so hard to get off a major label that she started performing a song called "Please Drop Me," so she could get away from the the creative bookkeeping that left her owing them money on an album she wiped out her own savings to make, and then turning to the Internet so she

No. She wanted to continue doing what she has been doing for years. Doing free ninja gigs for fans, usually the same days as her regular shows. Encouraging the large group of fans consisting of theater people/performance artists/burlesque and circus performers, who loved just coming to the shows and doing their thing

Actually, Amanda Palmer had a professional backup band, whom she pays, playing on her tour. She was inviting local bands to play WITH them for one night, for fun and exposure and CDs and beer. Hate on her all you want, but know the facts. That said, I agree that working on a regular basis for free is bogus.

Noone is saying should. If they want to let them. I'd happily play with Afp for free just for the experience and friendship and evidently so would they because the only people complaining were outsider who don't understand Afp's relationship with her fans PLUS amanda Palmer has hemusic porting musicians play in the

I don't know - Amanda Palmer did an interested Ted talk on why she chose to crowdfund her music (and offer it for free), and watching it was a bit of an ah-ha for me.

She says "I got a lot of criticism online after my Kickstarter went big for continuing my crazy crowdsourcing practices, specifically for asking

what cup did you use? It might be worth trying a different one. It took me 3 tries until I found a cup I was happy with (the lunette). Everyone's vag is different, so my advice would be to find what other women say about what works for them, based on their vag angle, cervix position etc. There was a livejournal

An angry squirrel

I feel bad throwing away loads of cardboard or plastic applicators. So much waste! But I totally get not wanting touch the lady bits when they're barking.

Three was filled with BJs.

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if the comic is under instructions not to respond to hecklers, then the club should be responsible to remove the hecklers. why is that such a hard concept?

I essentially agree with you. Though, I really don't think if a man says "I'm insecure about my body" a woman wouldn't jump down their throat. I don't think if a man responds to this article and says "Wow, I can't relate to a lot of this too" the women would go "Fuck you!" Instead what happens is some guy will say

Um my vagina is already a hole, dude. Waste of a bullet.

I'm certainly not offended but it does provide an interesting moment to consider economic divide on a global scale. Omg, WE were the Capitol all along!

This. I'm relatively an old so I've seen more than my share of them up close and personal and in all colors, sizes, etc. I can honestly say that any time a woman was willing to let me get that close to hers, it was the most beautiful one I'd ever seen.


"If Your Boyfriend Tells You Your Vagina is Repulsive (He is Probably in Want of a Boyfriend of His Own)."

I dunno, I actually feel like Belle's is the most egregious here. Tiana doesn't look THAT different between the two (still, they don't need that much fucking glitter), but in the new one, Belle looks less like a regular (but pretty) girl who done got fancied up (as in the original) and more like someone photoshopped

It's actually creepy to me how much they all like they've had work done. Each and every one. It's something about the shape of their cheeks.