Inhuman Interaction

Here's a story guaranteed to make you cringe/piss you off:


Wait.. a Pope treating everyone as a child of God, deserving of unconditional love? Blasphemy!

"I don't do things all the time. I'm not doing literally dozens of things right now."

Or maybe you are a shitty practitioner...

It is not against Catholicism for there to BE access to birth control for you or even others. It is against the Catholic faith for YOU, SPECIFIC CATHOLIC, to use said birth control.

I see abortion-inducing drugs as intrinsically evil, and I cannot in good conscience preach one thing to my kids and then just go with the flow on our insurance.

My liberty is not the ability to infringe someone else's liberty.

“I see abortion-inducing drugs as intrinsically evil, and I cannot in good conscience preach one thing to my kids and then just go with the flow on our insurance,”

Celibacy is not having sex.

The Royal Baby is a boy?

I follow a full-on nutjob radfem on Tumblr for laughs. She insists she will only have girls (presumably also at the exclusion of trans offspring of any stripe, given some of her other statements) and insists that male babies are not even actually biologically necessary. She does not specify how she will avoid having

I kinda wanted the Royal Baby to be French.

A boy is the heir to the throne: SUCK IT FEMINISTS!

Also, Lindy, I just read on Xojane an article by Jim Norton talking about you and rapejokegate. Through all of this controversy you have remained intelligent, strong, and honest. I am happy you are doing this for the feminists, but also for the bloggers and the comedians. I imagine how painful some of the comments

I feel like people go after Patton Oswalt unfairly all the time — clearly, dude gets it. He really, really gets it. Have you seen ANY mainstream, popular comedian talk about rape culture so intelligently? Ever? Because I can't remember one.

And yet, as in that Salon piece, I feel like people just want to take shots

I aspire to have Patton's ability to translate complex subject matter into concise, digestible sentences. Love him!

I fuck up at being an ally and a feminist and being intersectional literally all the time.