
It’s both. the Switch is old hardware now, even smartphone are more powerful than the Switch now and also GameFreak being incompetent at making optimized game.

It’s the card system. Everyone was on board with a x-com marvel game until they showed the card system then the interest for the game was thrown out the window. Also the game doesn’t look very good visually.

The lost of freeze would have been ok if she would have been a tank. A tank that can slow and put up wall would have make more sense than you know Doomfist as a tank...

Simple, don’t collect things for money, have a collection because you just enjoy what you collect.

I collect video game vinyl not just to listen to them but because I like the visual physic aspect of it. I have some records that were extremely limited and were and still mostly are very high on the reseller market. Yet

Not everything with an asian theme is a “ghost of tsushima vibe”...

Looking at the gameplay it looks more like Sekiro than GoT.

same I came here thinking it would be spoiler free tips and then the new weapons came by and I just scream in rage....

Yeah that company that says they are giving deep discount on Black Friday for the “big” amount of 20$ on 5 years old games and then never put them on sale for the rest of the year...

For once a boardgame kickstarter based on a video game offers a standard edition without 100 useless minis.

But £65/$75usd/100$cad + shipping is still way to much...

FFVII is pretty much one of the reason that Playstation was that successful. I can see why Sony is fighting to keep it console exclusive.

FFXVI on other hand has a good chance to release on Xbox since FFXV did launched simultaneously on both PS4 and Xbox One. Also that now most of the remaster of the older FF are on

I’m surprise. Forspoken has a 2 year exclusivity and FFXVI only 6 months? I would have guessed the opposite. I would think that Sony would have fought to get the exclu as long as possible.

At the same time a Final Fantasy game is a safe bet and Square-Enix probably know how much money they will make with FFXVI on all

yep for now. They said that hero would be able to be obtained later outside of the battle pass via challenges but we still don’t know how this will work. 

Really? I’m in the middle of pool 2 and my zoo deck is still king. I still win most of my game with it.

I really live Marvel Snap but I find that it hinges a little too much on RNG. I do understand that rng will always be part of a draft card game but it seems that no matter which strategy I try to do with my decks, it’s always a coin toss if the 3 areas will be good for me or my opponent. You can almost predict if the

Now playing

I love this video that talks about how if you just rearrange the events of the movie in a different order, it became a thriller horror movie of some sort with Pratt character being the villain.

Because this is the first time we hear about it.

This has nothing to do about the relaunch, the core plan hasn’t change at all (same price, same benefit) I don,t see why adding 2 more sub tier plan would suddenly make people leave.

It’s all about the recession. The declined started way before the relaunch of PS Plus.

I mean clearly the map was inspired by it but it’s not a 1:1 replica. I don’t think they really do anything about it. Lots of games takes inspiration of real world place.

They should have ended the show at season 3 then...

never. It’s one thing that annoys me with cross-play is that PC never have a choice to turn it off...

There were talks about it when they got bought by AT&T and still recently when the merger happened. They apparently wanted sell their game studios and IPs. There was also rumors that they could go the Disney way by not having any in-house game studio (so selling their game studios or closing them down) but keeping