
They are still console exclusive. Not everyone has a gaming PC or have the funds to get a good gaming PC. That’s the point of consoles, their cheaper, lots of people will only get one and that’s where exclusivity matter.

Console Launch exclusive is just a way to say Time exclusive without actually saying it, you know what I mean? It’s the whole mind set that $9.99 seems a lot cheaper than $10 when they are basically the same thing.

I mean it’s logical that the cross-gen titles are the same price because they are offering the next-gen upgrade for free. Why would you buy the Ps5 version for $70 when you can buy the Ps4 version cheaper and then upgrade for Ps5 for free. XD

I do expect full next-gen title to be higher priced though.

As Hi-Rez Studios ever made anything original? It just seem like they take the most popular game of the moment, copy it and then completely forgot about their previous games lol

Here’s a list of the best side quests in this game!

List: *List every single side quests in the whole game...*

Seems we don’t have the same definition of what a platformer is...

Thanks for the tip! That's the first thing I did when reaching the open world segment!

Well he is British.

I mean is it as worst as the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Wii U?

Microsoft stopping all digital console production while Sony just announced a new all digital console. Nothing to add I just found it ironic XD

Why would Ninja that got an upfront contract of 20 to 30 million dollar with Mixer, would just decided to say fuck them, I’m starting my own streaming service? that doesn’t make sense...

I mean, it’s just a matter of time before someone extract the nude model used in the shower scenes and see what’s there...

I just threw up in my mouth.

People who have a sense of humor and like satire.

There’s a MMO made by Amazon? first time hearing about it. XD

Could it mean more future PC version of their Playstation exclusive game on the Epic Store?

I like it. it fits the console design. White and black with a blue touch in the middle.

Aaannnnd I’m out!

Not really, they tried to transition to a more 3d world and even though they were not bad games, they were not great either. The N-Sane trilogy is the best of the Crash series and the new Crash game is a direct sequel to the original trilogy. They even joke about it by naming it Crash Bandicoot 4 and not acknowledging

Isn’t that the movie where a full grown adult woman kisses a 10 years old boy romantically on the mouth, on camera!?