nothing special

There’s a very simple reason why McQueary didn’t go to the cops right away: sometimes when we see things that go against our pre-existing beliefs, our brains work their asses off to come up with reasoning. McQueary respected Sandusky as a football coach and seeing him rape a child was outside of what he expected. So

This is just good policy. Such vast hoarding of wealth is immoral and any system which perpetuates this inequality is doomed to fail.

“The rule would threaten the viability of the ride-sharing model as it currently exists,...”

I mean he has decent politics I just also don’t get it

So I am sure the DCCC’s new rules to punish campaign workers who help challenge incumbents will equally protect progressive incumbents, right? Right?

Never forget

Qualifications for the job:

Political dynasties are a cancer that needs to disappear. They never produce anything good.

They’d all be much better. Also check out some other awesome progressives. This woman is challenging Steny Hoyer and is endorsed by Brand New Congress:

I get it with Pelosi not wanting to hand Trump a win when the Senate doesn’t convict.

1000 times yes.

1. No, I’m not. The Democrats got the majority in the house this year. Pelosi still refuses to talk impeachment. She’s dragging her feet hoping that she won’t have to do anything because the election will have taken place and it’ll be a moot point. She needs to have gotten off her ass like yesterday. I’m talking about

What win? People keep claiming that there would be some win claiming what happened to Clinton but let’s look at what happened after Clinton’s impeachment. Yes he did keep his seat but the Republicans gains seats in the damn house and senate and took the damn white house. So what loss is there in forcing the

Looks like there’s at least 3 people gunning for her.

She could just impeach the current motherfucker. This law isn’t going to pass and she fucking knows it. This heffa is about as useless as a box of tampons at a menopause support group.

Primary.  Primary.  PRIMARY.

I’m over this woman. At first I applauded her so called ninja moves on that bloated sack of batshit crazy.

In fairness, he kinda fit in with the Patriot Way rather well...

You sweet summer child. 

I think about this a lot. I’m in my mid-30s and when I was growing up, we knew there was a climate crisis but like...I feel like the vibe I got was that it was probably 100 years out, easily reversible if we rode bikes and recycled (not an excuse to ignore it but certainly didn’t feel my own life threatened by it).