nothing special

Yes it does. Because she is a shill for the corporate interests. Almost all of her legislative history shows that. But you keep on belittling people by calling them cute or pointing out that they’re younger. That’s such a good look for someone fighting change.


Katherine, do you have health insurance? Can you get some therapy time for having gone through this? Jesus, take care of yourself. No more resistance podcasts for you. We’re not worth it.

It’s utterly worth the wait. In addition to just how incredibly his writing is, it feels like it contains and imparts wisdom in regards to the human condition. As a contrast I just read the first two and a half Stormlight books by Brendon Sanderson before bailing. I have a group of friends, and there was the desire to

(I’m getting a lot of mileage it of this gif today.)

Climate problem? What climate problem?

Luckily Splinter is made up of individuals who each get to have their own opinion despite your desire to create some weird, artificial way of categorizing them together.

I find this very fine logic. Any chance Stacey Abrams would be interested in relocating states and running for governor again?

Here’s hoping they take another look at Bryan Singer, et al., as well. Follow these wherever they lead and execute some kind of justice for the victims as well as protecting future victims. It’s 2019, and with the scrutiny the public is now able to bring to these subjects, there’s no decent reason for these guys to be

There’s quite a bit of difference in content between the two as well as a a world of difference in sophistication of story and human psychology. I am loving Black Leopard, Red Wolf. It is seriously exceptional writing, though nothing like Game of Thrones (and I think that’s a good thing). But Jesus, it’s got a lot of

For me it was the insanity of the 2016 elections that pushed me over the edge. Specifically friends, good friends, screaming at the rest of us at top of their lungs every day. I woke up the morning after the election and deleted my account.

I think context matters, and I think that how people respond to it today matters. Hiding it, lying about it, or doing the cluster-fuck that Northam did in response to a photo that really has no defense suggests his judgment is not what I want in my state governor.

I’m 48. Virginia is the state I have spent most of life as a resident of. I’m white, and although I’m not currently in a great financial state, I grew up privileged. I have never, EVER even THOUGHT of putting on black face. That doesn’t make me a hero, but I have expected it to make me “normal.” Apparently I may have

I hear what you are saying, which is why I want to see what comes about Fairfax before calling for him to resign, and why I want to see how Herring goes forward with this. But Northam shat the bed repeatedly, in the past and present. His own damned fault. And he’s happy to suck corporate dick in his final, flailing

I could easily see a situation where Democrats wore blackface at the behest of their black colleagues who were in on the joke and okay with it.

Because he’s not really for the principles we need to fix shit. He’s an empty shell so far. I would vote for Abrams in a second, and that’s not true of Beto as I’ve seen him so far. I’m uninterested in him. Stacey Abrams has proven herself the real deal and is inspiring.

No they weren’t. As others here pointed out, you’re full of shit. Leftists and Bernie supporters like myself are gaga for Abrams, who has proven herself a hero and wonderful way forward. Stop trying to cause a division that doesn’t exist.

Asking yourself questions and referring to yourself as ‘troll bro’ are signs for you to seek help. Please seek help.